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Community Rating: 3.640 / 5  (118 votes)
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So question for everyone, with this, if it is a instant or sorcery, is that your "draw a card"? Or do you cast it then draw a card?
Posted By: hedronMatrix (1/31/2011 9:19:23 AM)


Bolt, Burst, Jet, Shock, Arc, Stagger, Rift, Magma, Blast, Jet, Lightning, So Cruel...........Ultimatum!
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (1/29/2011 11:12:26 PM)


Cant wait to combo him with Summoning Trap and Explosive Revelation. Its gonna be fun!
Posted By: NinjaFish (1/27/2011 9:53:23 PM)


Coalition Victory
Posted By: LadyAngus (5/29/2011 9:23:59 PM)


In reality this is just quite a bad card. Your idea of galvanoth knowledge pool is pointless because the combo will activate on turn 7 and the cards that you want to play are sorin's vengeance and army of the damned cost 7 mana. You might as well just play them from your hand, possibly with some mana ramp. Also, 5 mana for a 3/3 dies to most things and the ability is quite slow. At turn 6, which is the turn the ability would activate, you should be able to play most instants or socery's anyway and since the ability doesn't always activate I give this card 2 out of five. Many uncommons from that set are better.
Posted By: Sobieski (1/27/2012 12:53:02 PM)



I need this for my Intet EDH... holy beetles...
Posted By: Amnatto (1/27/2011 11:50:16 PM)


Will probably star in my Cream of the Crop beast deck.
Posted By: LiXinjian (1/30/2011 11:10:44 AM)


Seems like he should have been slightly bigger and/or cheaper. Would be a nice ability in my Pyromancer Ascension deck except I don't want to give the opponent non-shroud critters to use things on.
Posted By: Nighthawk42 (1/31/2011 11:47:24 AM)


How exactly does this guys ability work with spells with X in their costs like Fireball? Would the spell fail or would you still be allowed to fill X?
Posted By: Rollcaster (1/31/2011 3:46:41 PM)


I would assume that if his ability flips into a fireball the value for X would be zero.

And to answer Hedronmatrix's question:

Short answer: You cast the spell then draw a card.

Long answer: Your Upkeep step occurs after you untap and before you draw. Anything that says "At the beggining of your upkeep..." such as Galvanoth's ability does not affect your draw step UNLESS the card says otherwise.
Posted By: Bandswithother (2/1/2011 10:37:14 AM)


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