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How does this interact with the epic spells like Eternal Dominion? I assume it works as Cast is different then play right?
Posted By: Mesmerist (3/19/2011 2:13:28 PM)


@Marzen - That's correct. Having multiple Galvanoth's out is only really useful if you have a deck with a ton of instants & sorceries. If your top card is a creature and you have 4 Galvanoth's out, as each Galvanoth triggers it will see that same land. However, if your next 4 cards were instants/sorceries you would be able to play them all.

@ Mike-C, each one would trigger separately. If you have 3 out, you would look at the top card, and if it's an instant/sorcery you could play it. If it isn't, the 2nd one triggers and you again have the option to play the top card if you can. Then the 3rd triggers and you have the option again. So potentially you could play 3 cards or none (if you choose not to or they aren't instants/sorceries).
Posted By: kdraphael (3/19/2011 8:22:06 PM)


An absolutely worthless card in limited. Mirrodin is an artifact world, not a sorcery world.
Posted By: Yoto_Megachi (4/3/2011 8:00:38 PM)



Upkeep is before draw, so you would reveal the card, then if it was an instant or sorcery you could choose to cast that card. If you do, it goes to your graveyard and you would then draw a card.

I've got to build a deck with this SOB in it
Posted By: Arachobia (4/15/2011 6:11:46 AM)


How does this work with Fireball? Does it mean I can cast a 1,000point fireball since it has no mana cost?
Posted By: WildRooster27 (4/21/2011 5:49:56 AM)


It's surprisingly fun (and tedious) when you have a copy of Galvanoth and Paradox Haze in play and your opponent casts Gate to the Æther....
Posted By: Xenobody (4/24/2011 9:13:51 AM)


@wildrooster27 you can cast fireball, but x would be zero.
Posted By: Razbot (5/5/2011 8:26:06 PM)


I use this bad boy with sensei's divining top in my 5 color control deck <3
Posted By: Riffachu (5/20/2011 4:45:46 AM)


Casting conflux for free is always a good time.
Posted By: SeiberTross (7/7/2011 12:23:52 PM)


Searing Wind
Furnace of Rath

Definitely not a combo for normal 60 card decks; at least not 1v1. In EDH though, it's hilarious. Or, just the Searing Wind by itself in a 60 card deck is just as fun. Toss in any kind of spell doubler effect and it's pretty much game.
Posted By: endersblade (7/23/2011 2:35:52 PM)


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