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Community Rating: 3.615 / 5  (109 votes)
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This is a wicked card. Don't waste your breath hating it, build around it.

Splashing white? Shelter it, and bash in.
Splashing red? Soul's Fire for 7 poison counters to the face.
Splashing blue? Distortion Strike, man.

Of course your opponent's gonna block it. As a responsible hydra summoner's, that's where your removals come in. Rarity isn't solely defined by great cards, but by great card interactions.
Posted By: gorgoncube (4/8/2011 8:30:52 AM)


Bounce it and replay it or blink it somehow. (If you're playing the Bant BlueWhiteGreen colors, use Venser) Give it trample. Give it first strike/double strike. Emerge Unscathed.

Oh, and also, Melira.
Posted By: SolidSoldier (5/19/2011 4:22:43 AM)


artful dodge?
Posted By: rainbowdash (2/15/2012 1:38:38 PM)


Remember, infect is 10 counters. Sure this guy can get chump blocked to hell, but if he ever gets through thats 7 whole poison counters. In addition, the fact that he's infect makes him a perfect fatty removal mechanism if your in a pinch. Bye bye White, Black, Green titans! With guys like this and phyrexian juggernaut, infect now has another option other than early pump and rush. All in all, I now have midrange strategies other than gigantiform + plague stinger. Maybe canopy cover phyrexian hydra?
Posted By: lordtian (1/27/2011 5:34:32 PM)


Why not just put Bladed Pinions on him.. thats flying and first strike right there.
Posted By: Pauginxz (2/9/2011 1:07:10 PM)


If this had trample, I'd call it pretty good. As it is... meh.
Posted By: Amnatto (1/28/2011 12:00:28 AM)


Seize the Initiative has a cute friend. ;D
Posted By: SuperSphinx (1/29/2011 10:02:07 AM)


Seriously, if you can't figure out how to make this card work, you don't need to play magic. A vanilla 7/7 for 5 is great, just great. Add infect and suddenly it's way too great. So, it's gotta have a drawback. As far as drawbacks go, this isn't so bad. It's easy to burn, yes, and it can be chump blocked, yes. But it alone contributes 3/4 of the damage necessary to win the game. I'm pretty sure every card that goes well with this guy has already been mentioned, distortion strike being my personal favorite. In U/G infect, with a little ramp and a decent hand, you should be able to drop this guy on turn four or five. If you're doing well, he could be out on turn three. Then drop distortion strike and find ANY WAY to give him one more power and that's game. If that's not enough for you, then you can and should end yourself. You are the heart of power creep.
Just for comparison, search Gatherer for creatures with 5 converted mana cost and seven power, and see what pops up. Most of them eit... (see all)
Posted By: Amnesigenic (3/3/2011 6:46:20 PM)


This is so underwhelming to me.

Yeah it's huge for a small price, but there's just so many feel bad situations that can come up with him.

I feel like this card wanted to use a reverse variant of Judgment's 'Phantom' mechanic.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (1/27/2011 4:44:51 PM)


a 14/7 for five mana? If they reprint Lightning greaves in the next set then I say YES
And they should... the metagame is ripe for some free haste.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/28/2011 6:39:43 AM)


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