Slave of Bolas their Bane Slayer Angel. Then Gruesome Encore it.
Posted By:
(4/10/2011 1:28:30 AM)
Creature corruption always seemed more of a fit for black then red. Hopefully this is like Prodigal Pyromancer, the start of a trend.
There are plenty of meta that this is very useful in. Could be quite fun in a deck already built for Bonehoard or Mortivore going nuts.
Posted By:
(4/19/2011 11:39:16 AM)
You don't kill the creature, you selectively discard or bait problem cards from their hand (e.g. countermagic) and as soon as you have the mana you play Mind Sludge; in casual you can just sling around Hymn to Tourachs or play Ostracize or whatever. The big difference is that if you are looking to destroy something then you have to wait for it to be played... even though your card is ~2 mana it is coming down later than Sludge (titans), 2ndly it cares about the creatures attributes while Sludge does not, thirdly Sludge wipes out their hand in the process where your Doom Blade or whatever only wishes it were that powerful, and fourth is that spot removal in heavy black right now (T2) is not that important and Sludge is value unto itself. Which builds are best for cards like this and how to play them best is a bit more nuanced thing than people tend to understand.
Posted By:
(4/22/2011 8:32:30 AM)
This card is made for blue/black mill decks as an alternate win condition and in that regard i cant imagine a much better card, especially for the time being while zendikar and ww have yet to rotate out. an early archive trap in to this card on one of their bigger threats is a game-changer. Also i always liked Telemin Performance
Posted By:
(7/24/2011 12:46:08 PM)
I don't know man, the thought of using Memoricide or better yet Despise then for snagging a useful creature ... like say, Grave Titan, then using it against them sounds like a decent mana investment.
Posted By:
(8/1/2011 8:33:31 PM)
Play this with Sundial of the Infinite to keep your stolen fatties.
Posted By:
(8/16/2011 5:28:37 PM)
This card is awesome in my Mimeoplasm commander I use with Bring About the Undead Apocalypse schemes.
Posted By:
(10/25/2011 9:01:53 PM)
This is a great card! And it was printed with some great cards to go along with it too. You have quite a few good milling cards in this set as well as early discarding effects. Use with Despise and now you never have to kill the bugger. I Have a feeling we will be seeing more of this card in the future. Especially with Innistrad.
Posted By:
(10/26/2011 2:04:03 PM)
I've been boarding this in against reanimator decks in standard, and it just wrecks 'em.
Posted By:
(5/9/2012 5:28:43 AM)
Play this following Despise
Posted By:
(9/3/2012 9:28:50 PM)