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Love how everyone said karn wouldn't be a planeswalker because he lost his spark.. Despite this block taking place on mirrodin, ya know the plane that was repurposed to transfer planeswalker sparks...
Posted By: BlackAlbino (8/20/2011 11:48:14 PM)


I feel it's necessary to post this here until they update the Gatherer for the card:


* Karn's first and third abilities are linked. Similarly, Karn's second and third abilities are linked. Only cards exiled by either of Karn's first two abilities will remain in exile when the game restarts.

* A game that restarts immediately ends. The players in that game then immediately begin a new game. No player wins, loses, or draws the original game as a result of Karn's ability.

* In a multiplayer game (a game that started with three or more players in it), any player that left the game before it was restarted with Karn's ability won't be involved in the new game.

* The player who controlled the ability that restarted the game is the starting player in the new game. The new game starts like a game normally does:
-- Each player shuffles his or her deck (except the cards left in exile by Karn's abil... (see all)
Posted By: Agent1103 (6/2/2011 11:10:14 AM)


Karn's final= you restart and win the game.
Posted By: nightmare_zombie (8/11/2011 1:25:57 PM)


You gotta love the flavor regarding Karn's time travelling.

First ability: It affects cards in hands, spells that are still yet to come, the future.
Second ability: It affects permanents that exist in the battlefield right now, the present.
Third ability: It restarts the whole battle from the very beginning, going back to the past.

EDIT: @Wraique As a matter of fact, he did, so he could save Jhoira from being killed by a Phyrexian agent. Heck, the only reason Urza ever made Karn out of silver was because it's the only thing that can go through temporal energies unscratched.
Posted By: VarteDod (5/9/2011 10:11:53 AM)


"I like how there's 13 different erratas on this card. Maybe R&D didn't think this one through." - agentvirgo

There are no erratas on this card. The oracle text matches the printed text.

The rulings do not indicate a lack of foresight on R&D's part either as they are only clarifying how the card works; not changing it.
Posted By: Bandswithother (7/29/2012 8:13:27 AM)


Just use a Willbender to let karn exile himself XD
"i've faild master, it was to tempting to exile myself"
Posted By: Crackmore (8/17/2012 12:48:20 PM)


Hey may be a silver golem, but just look at him. He's got balls of steel.
Posted By: BarryOgg (4/28/2011 4:09:05 PM)


Am I the only one who wishes he were an "ARTIFACT planeswalker"? I know that giving him that supertype could open the door to waaaay too many shenanigans, but c'mon, it's Karn! He's made of metal!

BTW, I want to make a deck that has four of these and four Shahrazad and sing "This is the song that doesn't end!" the whole time I'm playing. Nah, on second thought, I don't want to get beaten up...
Posted By: Paleopaladin (8/28/2011 7:31:21 PM)


So very hard to use, but so totally my 1st and favorite planeswalker.

Posted By: Dream_Twist (6/16/2012 8:30:59 PM)



Because Shahrazad costs only 2 and can be copied easily making dozens of subgames within subgames within subgames. This takes 7 mana and at least 3 turns to pull off.
Posted By: Moxxy (2/6/2013 8:30:33 PM)


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