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I choose to exile Justin Bieber
Posted By: Anathame (9/16/2011 3:00:20 PM)


Thank you Agent1103 so much for that. Big help with him in play, I've had one argument already about the summoning sickness issue.
My only question is this: if you + him up twice, you've got him at 14. Then you pull off his ultimate and he drops to zero. Planeswalkers with 0 loyalty counters die, so what happens to Karn when the game restarts? Does he go back to 6, or is he dead? That's my biggest issue with Karn here. I mean, unless you + him up three times instead of two, or proliferate one or two more counters, he should be dead, right?
Posted By: kor6sic6 (6/3/2011 6:28:22 AM)


me and friend on kitchen tables
me: Ok, +4. now you exile a card from your hand. (he discards his random evolving wilds)
my next turn
+ 4 now I'm just gonna exile this card from my hand face down.
friend: what is it? tell me
me: nah, it ok you dont have to know
turn after
me: ok now I restart the game. with evolving wilds and this face down card on battlefield under my control.
friend: just flip it.
me: Ok. flips the card. Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. I'll let you go first :D

Posted By: zomboss (12/22/2012 4:59:57 PM)


Stupid card. Why the hell did they make his first ability +4?

It makes him almost unkillable even when there is nothing to block for him. If something too strong comes out, he just exiles it. Really stupid.

Planeswalkers should not start at 10 loyalty (after their first ability).
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/19/2013 12:30:23 PM)


Accelerating into Karn, exiling a Blightsteel from your hand anything from theirs and then restarting the game just seems glorious...
Posted By: Volcre (4/28/2011 4:20:10 PM)


The art is amazing!

His +4 ability is flexible and fun, and the fact that it's +4 is amazing!

His -3 ability is amazing!

The fact that he's colorless is amazing!

His -14 ability is perhaps the most annoying and unfun concept in the history of the game, and it's a quick way to get your playgroup to refuse play whatever deck you put him in.
Posted By: stilllwaiting (4/28/2011 1:58:44 PM)


So Jason Chan can do wrong...
Posted By: scumbling1 (4/28/2011 4:01:27 PM)


CMC 7 seems pretty high for a planeswalker.
Posted By: scorpiolegend (5/2/2011 6:51:27 PM)


I just realized something, forgive me if everyone else already knew this and I'm being retarded.

Infect is a damage replacement ability, in that creatures with infect don't actually do any damage to a player, they just get poison counters. To damage a planeswalker, damage must go through the player. But planeswalkers can't get poison counters, and -1/-1 counters wouldn't matter either. Are infect decks incapable of damaging planeswalkers?
Posted By: blindthrall (5/9/2011 7:56:59 PM)


Of course the {7} kills him. I knew all along if they made him a colorless planeswalker he'd have to be {7}, otherwise too many decks would be willing to use him. If seeing so many Jace, the Mind Sculptors annoys you, this would be in 75+ % of decks if it was much cheaper.
Posted By: sarroth (4/28/2011 3:28:00 PM)


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