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Apparently, she licks something :-)
Posted By: Spideredd (5/29/2011 6:54:25 AM)


Like both Crovax, Ascendant Hero and Ascendant Evincar, this combos with Kamahl, fist of Krosa for a green Shattering Spree that targets lands rather than artifacts. Could be very evil in your Captain Sisay edh.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (6/15/2011 5:44:01 AM)


I love Phyrexian white.
Posted By: PhyrexianFryCook (6/22/2011 7:25:20 PM)


Does, it come in killing tokens like Goblin?!
Posted By: Kidromeo (6/24/2011 6:04:04 AM)


Elesh Norn hates Grave Titan.
Posted By: Endomarru (7/11/2011 11:35:45 PM)


I've got a question for all those experts out there. If I copied an Elesh-Norn with a Phyrexian Metamorph, would my opponents let's say Golem token put into graveyard? Sure Elesh-Norn and the Metamorph would be destroyed would be put into a graveyard as a state-based effect, but this applies to the Golem too, does it? As state-based effects are all checked the same time, all creatures would die.
Can anybody confirm this and if not tell me why?
Posted By: private_vendetta (7/14/2011 11:16:22 AM)


I like how she turns humble into a kill spell (and one that ignores any effect the creature may have when being placed into the graveyard/ being removed from play).

It just felt so perfect when I cast it on my friend's Archon of Justice. It was like she was berating the Archon for thinking that Justice had any place within New Phyrexia.
Posted By: Asmodi0000 (7/29/2011 8:15:50 PM)


@ Laguz

i hope we see a war between Phyrexia and the eldrazi.
maybe Bolas is setting somehting up. he did make sure the eldrazi got free and send Tezzeret to Mirrodin.

"We MUST bring Phyrexia to Zendikar, FUFUFU."

but about the card, i love her, i got 2 in my deck with solemn simulacrum giving manaramping.
in my playgroup whenever she comes into play its mostly GG:D

PS: i do think she is born with a ceasarian, with that head a normal birth would be impossible:P
Posted By: Athurius (8/5/2011 9:25:40 AM)


At first I thought she was worse than Sheoldred, Whispering One but then I played her in my Birthing Pod deck. Why win in a couple of turns when you can win right there and now w/ her?
Posted By: EpicBroccoli (8/7/2011 7:15:14 PM)


Enemy on myr decks and Grave Titan
Posted By: use643 (8/10/2011 11:09:38 AM)


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