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Can anyone give me some hints on what deck she may feet?
I've been playing her in a modified Artful Destruction Deck and she was great!
Posted By: Charait (8/11/2011 2:39:45 PM)


hmm Elesh + Hunted Dragon = bashful dragon roar + 3 dead white knights.. or Godhead of Awe, and reverence .. utter control.. elesh, make it seem.. easier..

getting old..
Posted By: teddythebenn (8/20/2011 7:48:25 AM)


I think this guy gives a pretty good summary of all the praetors without having to scour through all this theory magic nonsense on the gatherer "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb3dedoVht0&feature=channel_video_title "
Posted By: Marsh-D-Teach (9/2/2011 10:10:37 AM)


I found Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite is very useful in my soldier deck. It can be used with Honor Of The Pure and Captain Of The Watch to make a beefed up soldier army with vigilance.

This card will always be a winner in my book.
Posted By: Dr_Fletchers (9/3/2011 3:29:03 AM)


I only put Elesh in my UWC deck because I pulled one when I was putting it together, but I've grown very fond of her as a 1-of. She's basically a fifth Day of Judgment on legs for those games where you just can't quite seem to finish off your opponent, and actually isn't much slower than most of the deck's threats, which are all clustered around the 5 CMC slot (Gideon Jura, Baneslayer Angel, Sunblast Angel (actually 6, but same idea), Elspeth Tirel, etc.). So a turn 5 Gideon into turn 6 Colonnade animate into a turn 7 Elesh is an easy play - or turn 8 Elesh if you want to keep Spell Pierce/Dispel mana open.

Running more than one (maybe two) could be a bit prohibitive, and she's not going to go in against every deck. But for those times when your opponent is so sure you're out of board wipes and now's the time to gear up for... (see all)
Posted By: Lyoncet (9/9/2011 7:44:51 PM)


She would go HAM in a Knight deck or a deck with Angels. Student of Warfare would become a 6/6 double strike, if fully leveled, and Sierra Angel would be a 6/6 vigilance. I love it...
Posted By: swensonator (9/13/2011 2:52:08 PM)


White Phyrexia is so cool.
Posted By: JFM2796 (9/18/2011 7:21:29 PM)



Don't forget her ability! With the -2/-2 she murders all of the other Praetors, and they don't even get close to taking her down. In a Phyrexian civil war Elesh Norn would reign supreme. (Also lol at the idea of Phyrexians even caring enough about each other to start a civil war...)
Posted By: Dexal (10/12/2011 9:58:48 AM)


Best of Praetors. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger is the worst. There are light years between them in pure quality.
Posted By: AncientTimer (10/18/2011 2:44:41 PM)


Mycoloth, You can't let her abuse you like that!
Posted By: ToastRecon (11/28/2011 10:07:40 AM)


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