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I have her in a blue/white splicer deck and she works awesome! She wipes the table of little guys, turns all my golems into big ass beasts, and even pumps up the individual splicers. She's usually a game winning drop, and my friends and family hate her XD
Posted By: Cygore (7/8/2012 4:18:30 PM)


Pulled her out of a booster I got for half off at a local record store. My only mythic pull from a booster, and my only praetor. This was back when she was $25 for a non-foil!

I don't even play white, but Elesh is just a freakin badass. The art is gorgeous, the flavor is stellar, and her effects make her the most desirable praetor from New Phyrexia.
Posted By: TheAmberSpyglass (8/2/2012 12:35:18 AM)


- she turns all your mana dorks into threats. this makes her worth ramping into.
- she immediately plague winds half your opponent's board (if not all) and leaves the rest of them too small to rumble with said mana dorks. The benefit of this over the other praetors is that if she is immediately killed she almost certainly got you some value due to killing off X/2's, while most of the other praetors don't. This is huge due to the metagame having a lot of strong removal and generally requiring that cards have immediate effects, especially out of your 6+ drops.
Posted By: mdakw576 (8/6/2012 5:45:33 AM)


You know you've got a batshit person when even Sheoldred thinks she is making a mockery of religion.

@qwert426: Elesh Porn?
Posted By: Axelle (8/8/2012 10:42:15 PM)


Sometimes i feel realy lucky , i've only ever bought 6 boost of new phyrexia and i got this in foil yesterday , ubarask and spellskite with a blade splicer an ingester ,slag fiend and xenomorph .
I'v just bought one boost of 2013 withit and guess ... Ajani ...
Too much luck yesterday i'm expecting the worst rares to have with the return of ravnica ...
Posted By: MojoVince (9/30/2012 2:55:51 AM)


I've had sleeves with the art from this card for over a year now, since I first started playing Magic. I now finally understand where the art on those sleeves came from. So much time spent wondering what on Earth was on those sleeves! *sigh*
Posted By: SnackyNorph (10/13/2012 11:00:39 PM)


My first Mythic Rare and it's safe to say I appreciated her from the moment I first saw her. Utterly, utterly game-changing
Posted By: SilverstarWolf (10/22/2012 10:19:56 AM)


As I was building my re-animate/Recurring Nightmare deck I realized how much I loved the praetors. Elesh Norn was actually my least favourite pre-build. I could see her power in Standard but as I play strictly casual she din't seem so useful...until I played her and realised how many of my friends play small creatures deck...oh what joy. Also, the fact that she makes my Putrid Imp a 3/3 flier is pretty fun...and Avacyn a 10/10!

@tworaincluds; I agree. Too be honest I wish it was something they started doing with all Mythic Rare Legendary creatures. Just be a nice touch to make them stand out even more.
Posted By: RecurringMemories (11/4/2012 5:33:29 PM)


Total token killer. Hell, total utility creature killer. Screw it; TOTAL KILLER; 5/5
Posted By: GlintKawk42 (2/20/2013 5:08:54 AM)


This is the number two answer to token decks after Massacre Wurm.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (4/5/2013 9:22:45 AM)


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