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Community Rating: 4.451 / 5  (347 votes)
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As already stated, Massacre Wurm is a better token-hate card than this, although it's nice to see something like this, mass-weenie removal and a buffer, in white. Vigilance is pretty slick, too, with 7 toughness. A decently-sized beat-stick that you can turn around and block a fatty with. For those occasions when you do have to block a 4+ toughness thug, nice to have a Boros Charm/Double Cleave/Psychotic Fury in hand to dump on it.
Posted By: MagicBrad (4/15/2013 10:20:43 PM)


Elesh Norn never walks upon the ground. Her priests lay the flayed skin of the heretics in front of her like a luxurious red carpet.

Elesh Norn is one of my favorite cards! I have a white Norn deck that locks everything down. She's another Lady Gaga card, and also reminds me of Clive Barker's Cenobites. Elesh Norn is easily the strongest Preator and shuts down many kinds of decks. The White Phyrexian's macabre twist to religious orthodoxy is dripping with flavor, I love the story and creative feel. Abandon your flesh.
Posted By: night8883 (4/26/2013 3:54:49 AM)


It's awesome that with her a 1/1 trades with a 5/5. Tokens anybody? Thraben Doomsayer mayhaps.
Posted By: EdgarPoeAllen (5/28/2013 8:59:03 PM)


Yup :) I use this in my Vish Kal EDH deck to throw soldier tokens at baneslayer angels.
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/12/2013 6:45:53 AM)


Combine with Godhead of Awe for lawls
Posted By: Aquitainus (6/20/2013 1:42:31 AM)


Omg, please use the flavor text to bring it back to Dominaria! Not that I want that plane to suffer more than it has, but I want to see the battle find a final victor. If glistening oil is a remnant of Yawgmoth... I bet he could re-spawn from it like Voldemort and his horcruxes.
Posted By: raptorman333 (7/11/2013 1:56:07 PM)


This beauty was the first mythic I ever pulled and is still my favorite card. Not only is she capable of pumping your creatures but she nukes the opponents side of the board all on a 4/7 vigilant body. And too top it all off, the artwork is fantastic. Igor Kieryluk does some of the most beautiful artworks in the game.
Posted By: GoDz_JtFr (9/15/2013 10:42:16 AM)


We have such sights to show you!
Posted By: TheMetaMuce (10/20/2013 7:23:04 AM)


This card has been my favorite ever since it first came out in New Phyrexia, the art is just the literal definition of Awesome. Her ability is like a better Muraganda Petroglyphs for all your creatures, she's a 4/7 with vigilance, and she is like a Massacre wurm continuously until she dies. If that isn't the definition of value than I honestly don't know what is.

Also her story after the New Phyrexia block continues, making her even more badass.

I never really want to rate a card more than 5 stars, but I really wish I could for this.
Posted By: Umbric (11/15/2013 7:56:01 AM)


Wait...the Phyrexians are coming to other worlds too??




Posted By: FlingIt (11/24/2013 7:31:28 PM)


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