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It makes pyroclasm that much more awesome. I think she could begin a white/red soldier burn deck phase.
Posted By: RATZGobbler (5/3/2011 9:26:01 AM)


It's a fun card, but at 7 mana and an effect which can potentially do nothing, it likely won't see constructed play. Put it this way - at 6 mana in white you can throw down either a Sun Titan (instant card advantage; does more damage and has vig) or a Wurmcoil Engine (huge beatstick + likely card advantage, and a major life-swinger).

Will show up in quite a few kitchen table decks though. Could imagine putting it together with other -x/-x static abilities to create a battlefield where no other creatures could survive (or at least, only the biggest could survive as little kittens ^^).
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (5/3/2011 9:26:05 AM)


she is being underestimated by a lot of players here for constructed purposes

control decks need a win condition that can control board on its own and how many other win conditions can win the fight with her?

frost titan and baneslayer angel in here mana cost range she wins that important whose drop is more worth the mana fight and non black aggro decks will have a hard time removing her because of that 7 toughness

though when i first saw her i though mirror gallery+followed footsteps like i wanted to do with crovax but this would be so much more effective

glad to see good timmy cards still being printed even if they are all mythics now
Posted By: midgit_ (5/4/2011 7:14:59 PM)


She might see Standard Constructed play, in a U/W control deck or something that can stall to large amounts of mana. Or some deck in the spirit of Eldrazi Green or RUG that powers out fatties quickly. She's certainly strong enough. But I'm not going to put a lot of money on that bet - JaxsonBateman said it well, Sun Titan costs one less and likely generated better card advantage. We'll see.

However, in sealed, she's a beast. I put her in my prerelease sealed deck, not sure about it, and I ended up never regretting it. Quite a game-changer.
Posted By: Magnor_Criol (5/8/2011 8:27:55 PM)


Did anyone notice how Elesh Norn can kill all the other opposing Praetors? (With Elesh Norn on the field: Vorinclex = 5/4, Jin-Gitaxias = 3/2, Sheoldred = 4/4, Ubrabrask = 2/2). HMMMMMMMMMMMM. >.>
Posted By: DeptH_ChargE (5/10/2011 4:11:05 AM)


Got her in a draft. My opponents were not pleased.
Posted By: Drewsel (5/16/2011 12:04:51 AM)


Lord of the Machine Orthodoxy and Lord of my special WB Infect/griefer deck. Ohhh I'm gonna love runnin this one!
Posted By: Dlark17 (5/19/2011 9:47:09 PM)


play with mirror gallery for the lulz
Posted By: prolifFTW (5/23/2011 7:36:39 PM)


She just became my mono-white Angel EDH deck's general. My friends are frantically trying to find ways to deal with her now. Such a great card, 10/10!
Posted By: endersblade (5/25/2011 6:56:14 PM)


the best praetor of the set, by far
Posted By: tantallum99 (5/26/2011 1:13:34 AM)


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