Modern Naya Birthing Pod can utilize this to go off in a very mind-bending combo that results in a very early and reliable Kiki-Jiki style finish, albeit it will cost you 10 life.

T1 Birds of Paradise
T2 Birthing Pod
T3 2-dop creature, probably Thalia or something.
T4 A) Pod the Thalia into Deceiver Exarch, untapping Pod. B) Pod the Birds into Phantasmal Image, copying Exarch and untapping the Pod. C) Pod the now 3-drop Image into Restoration Angel, blinking the first Deceiver Exarch. D) Untap Pod, pod Restoration Angel into Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker. Proceed to combo off with Exarch the old fashioned way.

In my own Numot, the Devastator EDH, this guy does double duty as both a Splinter Twin target and helping Numot punch through Maze of Ith/auto... (see all)