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Mass Polymorph with Emrakul and Iona say hi.
Posted By: Jake1991 (4/30/2011 7:02:11 PM)


@MoE - lava bro ;)
Posted By: Stray_Dog (5/1/2011 7:26:19 AM)



I wouldn't think so, as the wording says "Come into play tapped." This would mean, before anything else when this comes into play, it's tapped, it doesn't become tapped after it hits the field. I could be wrong though, as I usually am.
Posted By: DamyntheSilver (8/30/2011 4:14:12 AM)


This card + smoke works well together. Thinking of Adding it to my dragon deck.
Posted By: PeanutTheDestroyer (8/19/2011 7:15:58 PM)


Casual match between red and green, player has 5 mountains, opponent has 12 forests.

Player: I play Urabask the Hidden! Now all your creatures come into play tapped!

Opponent: I play Centaur Omenreader, Centaur Omenreader, Garruk's Packleader, Jungle Weaver, 2 Nessian Coursers, a forest, and another Nessian Courser. Thanks! :D

Player: :(
Posted By: Dannyman658 (4/9/2012 7:05:39 PM)


First off: Best art in the set, hands down.
Not much to say for Limited (1st pick card, shapes your deck, blah blah blah), but I cannot wait to see this guy's impact on constructed. Cheapest Praetor, aids the big red archetype greatly. I could also see him in RUG. Primeval Titan is just as fun to swing with the same turn he's played as Inferno Titan is. I might fear Dismember, if it weren't for the fact that haste lets you jump your tapped-low opponent and force a 4-life loss anyway. I can't realistically see any Geosurge compatibility, what with Mana Leak, but dropping him ahead of the clock is going to be key; Everflowing Chalice, Sphere of the Suns, and Birds of Paradise all work, but I love the idea of third-turn Urabrask off a Lotus Cobra.
Posted By: Selez (5/12/2011 10:10:46 PM)


as much as I love Vorinclex, Urabrask has my favorite art of all the praetors. That being said...Urabrask and Vorinclex on the field at the same time...that's some strong bromance right there...
Posted By: Richochet_Shaman (5/19/2011 9:40:02 PM)


The Praetor that will see the most play. Urabrask the Hidden rules!
Posted By: SkithiryXCIV (5/22/2011 7:53:16 AM)


Would he combo with Gideon's Avenger? Ruling help please
Posted By: Airlacher (8/28/2011 9:44:26 PM)


BTW: He doesn't stop Splinter Twin. Since you can use the aura after the "at the beginning of your end step", the tokens will die one turn later. And therefore, if you're the next player, you have all the time to untap them.
Posted By: Cheza (8/3/2011 9:45:25 AM)


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