This could be a fantastic pick up if you are running any equipment or buff in limited.
Posted By:
(5/4/2011 8:55:30 AM)
The Kiln Walker is made for old school red decks that Combo cards like Relentless Assault. A 3/3 that is 6/3 the second time around at a casting cost of 3. This Walker in combo looks like Mijae Djinn with no draw backs. 3.5 Fun!
Posted By:
(12/8/2011 5:14:11 AM)
Compares well enough to Hulking Ogre and Benalish Veteran, if not Moriok Reaver (or post-M10 Cathodion!).
Also, cute with Goblin Tunneler.
Posted By:
(4/7/2012 3:53:58 AM)
Not bad, it can bypass some things like the formentioned Ensaring Bridge and it can get pretty big if you find a way to make it attack multiple times in a turn.
Posted By:
(3/14/2013 10:30:35 AM)