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Community Rating: 4.354 / 5  (535 votes)
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4.9, really? Had to rate this low just to balance it, even though he's obviously not a bad card, he's not 4.9.

The only colors that could have difficulty dealing with this guy are green and red, and even they have access to answers like Tumble Magnet, and Dismember.

MBC isn't viable right now despite all the claims after every single set that it will be.
Posted By: busdude (4/28/2011 9:28:11 PM)


I guess this is why they printed Go for the Throat... else this thing would be near unbeatable...
Posted By: Volcre (4/28/2011 4:26:09 PM)



If you don't like it, don't play the game. There's simpler, safer TCGs out there for kids like you. The reason not all cards are like this is because of the balance of the game, and the balance of the various formats, player types, and in general the balance of the feel of the game. You can whine and *** all you want (yes, that's what you're doing), but learn to accept the occasional crazy-powerful card, or go back to yu-gi-oh.

/Rant over, Awesome card. Great for mono-black, powerful yet with answers. It's perfectly balanced; just flashy in a set about power and dominance (both in past forms and new incarnations).
Posted By: Lateralis0ne (7/3/2011 5:14:42 PM)


Posted By: OmegaD (9/5/2011 7:42:03 PM)


This card is a mistake. It brakes the reason of cost/power. There's no drawback. And disrespects a whole lot of cards, black creatures, which are great creatures. This makes no sense at all, it's a worse mistake than Misstep. That was a gamble, people knew it would be dangerous but still got it out there, but this bad made creature simply makes no sense at all.
It's not overpowered cards that make the game fun. Great decks and plays make the game fun.
Posted By: JoeyWalker (1/20/2013 4:59:41 PM)


I love this card so much.

Flavorwise, it's just pure gold. The art is astonishing and the flavor text - as plain and simple as it should be. CMC is just about right; you can hardcast it with two Dark Rituals on the first turn and it will probably get out on the board very soon; but hey, you can do worse things with a ramp, am I right?

And sure, it's a power creep, but it's not broken or really overpowered. Having no protection at all, it's ability will cause only mono red player to scoop immediately. Yet it is so powerful, that any other player should get rid of it as soon as possible - and that's, for me, a definition of mighty card.

It's wasn't playable in standard, due to the mentioned lack of any protection (except the direct damage one) and few other things (Dismember!), but on the kitchen table (and I'm a Timmy) - it just rocks. This card, for me, with its power level, flavor and art is iconic for Phyrexia - and, let's be honest - for black. Only thing that concerns me is i... (see all)
Posted By: Damagetos (9/11/2013 3:38:37 AM)


I just love using dismember on him.
Posted By: UNHINGEDMAN (9/3/2011 9:40:25 AM)


This isn't broken, its just very good. There is a difference. I think many of the people commenting on new "high profile" cards here are newer players without a grasp on how cards will play out.

This card is almost unplayable outside mono-black, he has nothing to protect him from any kill spells. Unless you have something like arena to force an opponent to damage him, he is probably just an unblockable 5/5 or a very effective wall. He is cool and flavorful, has some scary art to boot.

This card has not seen real tournament play, unlike things like Delver of Secrets, Snapcaster Mage or Primeval Titan. Why is that? This guy takes up a high mana cost slot in your deck and does very little when he hits the table. Yes, your opponent must deal with him, but they likely will, what decent deck has no answers to a big creature? Most importantly, you have to be playing mono-black to use this well. Mono-black i... (see all)
Posted By: Enelysios (6/22/2012 10:57:40 PM)


*ahem* This is a freaking 5/5 for four with trample! No drawback! And that awesome ability! This makes Juzam Djinn look like Screeching Skaab!

Well, a lot of things do, but this is the best thing ever. Should be 5 stars.
Posted By: EKraj (9/14/2012 2:51:55 PM)


I'm torn. It's obviously a 5 star card, but it is just like Baneslayer. If it wasn't limited by its Mythic availability, it would be grotesquely OP. But that is, literally, the only drawback to this card. It doesn't have a built in downside, or penalty, it's just damned difficult to actually own. I feel like that should somehow penalize the rating. A card shouldn't be this perfect.

EDIT - Just realized that this guy dies quite nicely to Dismember OR Cathedral Membrane's effect, both of which were probably introduced just to deal with this guy.
Posted By: EvilCartographer (5/3/2011 8:16:16 AM)


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