HOLY EFFING CRAP. Especially after what Marchangel pointe out. No one should be able to get a mythic out on T1.
Posted By:
(5/14/2011 10:30:17 AM)
ABSURD! Obliterator breaks the curve so badly that even Baneslayer Angel looks fair in comparison. Not good for the game even if it haven't end up in winning decks yet.
This with other absurd creatures like Griselbrand, Abyssal Persecutor and Desecration Demon set Black as the reigning 'creature color' in the game. Not good for balance between colors as Black also has best creature removal.
Posted By:
(1/7/2014 1:54:00 PM)
People 2eem two forget that thii2 ii2 ju2t a creature.
Jace wa2 banned becau2e not much hiit2 plane2walker2, and he didn't have two 2tay long two wiin game2. 2toneforge wa2 banned because iit, agaiin, diidn't need two 2tay long two help wiin game2.
The only color Ii could 2ee haviing a true problem wiith thii2 ii2 red. Green can make token2, and ha2 Bea2t Wiithiin. Black can ea2iily straiight up kiill thii2, no 2weat. Blue is control, with Clau2trophobiia and counter2pell2 galore. And wiith Dii2member even red ha2 an2wer2 to thii2.
Ii've fa2ed thii2 guy 2everal tiime2. 2cary a2 hell, but wiith a Vapor 2nag followed by an E22ence 2catter, and a Go For the ... (see all)
Posted By:
(10/12/2011 10:55:11 PM)
I give him a 3.5 out of 5, just overall its a decent card (not a black baneslayer, but decent)
The problem with this guy is how fast he can be answered with little if any loss of life or permanents.
Counter, Destroy, Sacrifice, every deck has answers to this card by the time he enters play.
I'm sure all the new players think its a super-bomb card, but good luck even having it to block with before its erased from play.
Posted By:
(7/18/2011 6:03:21 PM)
At first I though it is a ridiculously broken creature, but it is just another power creep. Dies to Go for the Throat basically. Yeah people say, well, Baneslayer Angel dies to Doom Blade too. But it is truth, your 4 mana creature died to a 2 mana spell, the end.
Posted By:
(12/14/2012 3:20:45 PM)
Posted By:
(12/29/2013 7:31:57 PM)
Type your comment here.
Posted By:
(5/2/2011 7:54:16 AM)
Nice card. Not as good as Negator was with Dark Ritual, but still good.
Beeing one of the few actually powerful cards from this set, it's of course mythic. T_T
Posted By:
(5/4/2011 9:05:39 AM)
Dies to Doom Blade.
Posted By:
(7/28/2011 12:57:22 PM)