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Community Rating: 4.354 / 5  (535 votes)
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ok first i was astunned but after thinking a while its so:


1) 5/5 creature for just 4 mana!
2) trample and its ability which makes it more or less unblockable and indestructuble by damage


1) more or less only playable with pure black deck because u need 4xblack
2) its absolutely no team player! how/where will you integrate this??
3) if opponent gains control of that somehow... you are fucked up if you have no solution for this


all in one i would say its a 4 because mostly because of the first two disadvantages... and by the way: yeah i have 3 of these because i was "lucky" so i am not jealous... but i cant play this!
Posted By: monkeybonez (7/24/2011 5:52:17 AM)


I've never once seen this card in a DECK, let alone on the battlefield. But I have seen it in, or rather, coming out of a booster.TWICE. The guy that got them, just looked at them, and said ehh, while he put his blighted agent into his U/B infect/control deck.
Posted By: LuminOfMoonlight (8/23/2011 3:19:49 PM)


I love how this card has seen, like, no play whatsoever at the competitive level since it came out. Granted, I haven't been paying that much attention, but it seems that way to me. It's probably because every single color was given a 1 mana instant-speed answer to this guy in the same set. Hooray for Dismember!
Posted By: TDL (10/2/2011 5:50:55 PM)


best card ever
Posted By: Vorpalwins (10/4/2011 5:05:01 PM)


what more could u ask for
Posted By: BumbleSquish (10/13/2011 11:02:23 AM)


the other day before we played, my friend was bragging about his awesome obliterator he bought...
He windmill slammed it on turn four
I laughed a hearty viking laugh and played wrack with madness
Posted By: ThatTobyGuy (4/1/2012 7:37:26 PM)


The only thing anyone could possibly complain about this is if it's on the other side of the board in a game or if you looked at the price. 5/5 stars rating for being over the top good.
Posted By: Dream_Twist (6/17/2012 7:25:58 AM)


"Dies to removal."..."Monoblack has no protection."

Anyone heard of Undying Evil? A very versatile card that deals with all sorts of removal and it's only one black mana. Still dies but comes back better. Even against its clear counter Wrack with Madness you might lose all your mana but your obliterator still comes back. Awesome.

Black is really getting pumped up with a lot of cards that don't feel black. This guy is better and cheaper than a lot of green creatures out there. They say it's a midgame card but lategame, this guy can keeps titans at bay. Really awesome card especially since you can have it out turn 2 easy with Dark Ritual.


Wrack with Madness is the only reason not a 5/5.
Posted By: McKnuty (7/2/2012 11:31:57 AM)


If I say "dies to Murder" will people finally stop bitching about this thing?
Posted By: VirusVescichetta (9/16/2012 9:25:52 AM)


Protip: It's really badass to shout the flavor text as you cast it.
Posted By: Totema (9/26/2012 8:42:59 PM)


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