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Each creature gets a -1/-1 counter, proliferate for each creature.
Great board wipe, gets indestructible creatures and ones with persist. If you have Undying yours come back. And if you have anything with a charge counter or they have a poison counter. Well God save their souls.
Posted By: XaiviarNightwing (3/23/2013 10:26:04 PM)


Guys with +1/+1 counters get:
-A permanent buff
-A relative giant growth combat trick, allowing a Rakdos Cackler can eat a leatherback baloth without dying, for example, while becoming a permanent 3/3, all without your opponent being able to see it coming beforehand. (note: this would also work on a 4/5 tarmogoyf, making this discussion relevant in a modern deck)

It's great with unleash or undying (either get rid of the counter for another round of your creature or add a counter to it to make it larger.)

Also notice that it can remove 2 +1/+1 counters as it has to resolve before state-based actions are checked, making it the only card that can proliferate -1/-1 counters on a creature with +1/+1 counters; which is an amazing thing to have.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/31/2013 1:00:24 AM)


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