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Just waiting for the wurm that has "If ________ Wurm attacks and is unblocked, it eats defending player. EATS THEM."

If serious though, could be "If ______ Wurm attacks and is unblocked, destroy defending player. Put X +1/+1 counters on _____ Wurm, where X is that player's life total."
Posted By: creepycrawler (6/10/2013 8:31:40 AM)


WHAT?!?!?! its totally op and unfair unless i get 4. plus, you get the life even if the creature wasnt destroyed.
Posted By: O0oze (6/23/2013 9:54:09 AM)


This is a great fatty for any deck that can use it. I've found that it's a very funn card to use in a mana ramp. Turns 1, 2 and 3 mana acceleration. Turn 4 slagwurm. Along with wurmcoil engine, this can pit away a game, FAST!!!! Who would want to go up against it?
Posted By: Beastlygreen (9/26/2010 4:22:09 PM)


This is sick with Entangler
Posted By: Faildini (1/8/2011 11:25:02 PM)


does the ability take effect before damage? if it does, lure on this guy wipes your opponent's board every turn!
Posted By: Ninjakraken (7/30/2011 8:00:35 AM)


observer of the cards, you're slightly wrong on the damage it deals.
if you give it trample, all of its power goes through, since lethal damage for a dead creature is 0.

this card is an absolute beast and one of the top fatties in my green deck. 7 mana is nothing, especially with Palladium Myr and Harrows. he kills everything that blocks him, or that he blocks, and you gain life. he has to be killed by spot removal or board sweeps, and with trample you're pretty much guaranteed 7+ damage.
channel a Shinen of Life's Roar on him and every creaute your opponent controls dies.

Posted By: CrowJonSnow (8/11/2011 1:59:13 PM)


Far too overcosted for constructed play. Green needs something more powerful to match Wurmcoil Engine, Grave Titan, Consecrated Sphinx or Baneslayer Angel. 3/5 for being an ok casual rare.
Posted By: AncientTimer (10/30/2011 3:42:33 PM)


he looks so happy in that picture.

"Hey guise, come get a hug!"
Posted By: Lateralis0ne (11/10/2011 5:10:24 PM)


dude, if you give it trample, it will deal ALL of it's damage through. :| screw lure, give him epic proportions!
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (11/12/2011 11:07:41 PM)


chaoticfox, I'm not a judge, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.
It clearly says, WHEN it blocks or becomes blocked.
It happens as soon as the slagwurm is assigned to block, or something is assigned to block the slagwurm. The defending creature never gets to the deal damage step, even if it has first strike.

Anyway: Mono-green makes me angry.
Not because it's overpowered, but because you need to spend hilarious amounts of money to get the fatties that make it run.

Anyway, I'll just go ahead and recite the old adage: "Dies to doomblade!!1"
This isn't a bad card, but this is what creature removal is printed for, honestly.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (11/13/2011 7:38:51 PM)


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