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Community Rating: 4.092 / 5  (136 votes)
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Very solid fun card! I'm currently building a deck around her:

20 Plains

4 Everflowing Chalice
4 Tumble Magnet

4 Wall of Omens
4 Blinding Mage
4 Dawnglare Invoker
4 Glimmerpoint Stag
4 Sunblast Angel

4 Smite
4 Arrest
4 Safe Passage
Posted By: RowanKeltizar (5/11/2011 4:15:00 PM)


I love this card with a passion that burns like a blasting sun. There's nothing quite like 2for1ing your opponent, and you can sometimes pull off a 3 or even a 4for1 with this girl. It's also so flavorful and the art is tremendous.

The best part? I just picked up a playset for two bucks. Why aren't people using this?
Posted By: Laguz (5/14/2011 4:29:54 PM)


about the Flavor Text?
Chancellor of the Annex says
'umm... no. even Angels are kinda screwed.'

Sad that such a cool, powerful Angel gets shown in a set where being an Angel
isn't as good as being an Insect, Zombie, or some other godforsaken half-artifact half-mutant nightmare. 2-power Infect creatures'll kill ya before this is at all relevent.
Posted By: DarthParallax (6/10/2011 6:19:21 AM)


This thing has saved my hide more times than I can count(including a couple of situations that caused a friend of mine to stop using Ambush Commander) and I love it forever. This was the rare from my first pack of Scars and I couldn't have asked for anything different.

Unfortunately, I can kinda understand why it doesn't see much use in Constructed. It's essentially an extra Day of Judgment that probably isn't hitting your stuff, but the CMC of 6 keeps it down. With Mana Leak floating around, you have to wait an unnerving amount of time to play this safely against blue whereas DoJ can be dropped far quicker. Against fast little red decks, you might not even get to six mana. Running multiple Sunblasts isn't a great idea as it really screws with your mana curve. Running three or four Days can certainly mess that up a bit, but not as badly as a CMC 6 card. And let's not forget that Torpor Orb exists and s... (see all)
Posted By: MyrBattlecube (7/13/2011 12:59:49 AM)


My friend built a Bant turbofog deck, it would just Fog and Mark of Eviction because you had to repeatedly attack or he would get back multiple Fogs, then pull this and kill everyone
Posted By: Superllama12 (7/28/2011 7:21:48 PM)


In WhiteRed put out a Shrieking Mogg before dropping this.

You might even put the Mogg on Mimic Vat and have multiple Sunblasts clear the board at your will.
Posted By: jfre81 (11/18/2011 2:05:18 AM)


Posted By: raptorman333 (11/28/2011 11:14:12 AM)


I like it with War's Toll and Basandra, Battle Seraph in RedWhite control. Blink effects are great too, of course.
Posted By: Discoduck (2/2/2012 1:22:40 PM)


A pair of these has found new life in my UW Spirit deck with all their vigilanced tokens from Intangible Virtue and tapping from the Niblis guys and Feeling of Dread. Too bad it's rotating in a few months. It's been a late bloomer for me (never had much use for it until now), but I was glad to have stashed them when I put two and two together.
Posted By: JRE47 (2/20/2012 10:38:09 AM)


hmmmm this and Leyline of Anticipation when someone alpha swings at you. Seriously evil and fun.
Posted By: evol4276 (8/24/2012 12:21:08 PM)


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