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Community Rating: 4.505 / 5  (93 votes)
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A wonderful reprint. I am very happy to see this card in the premium deck series. The deck itself is great with many first time reprints including some quirky ones like Price of Progress.
Posted By: Mr_Hendry (4/17/2012 9:16:31 PM)


If Lightning Bolt is strictly better, then why is this $15?
Posted By: Phage123 (7/10/2012 12:58:13 PM)


It may be strictly worse than Lightning Bolt, but it's still quite efficient, even at sorcery speed and with a strange drawback that usually only matters in mirror matches. This works easily as Lightning Bolts 5 through 8.
Posted By: Axelle (8/9/2012 12:42:29 PM)


Hey, I've only just realised that if your opponent copies this you can copy the copy, according to the ruling. That's some good psychology right there, tempting them with a free burn...
Posted By: psychichobo (10/1/2012 2:37:54 PM)


Sing its name to the tune of "Can't touch this".
Posted By: TheZombifier (1/16/2013 11:45:47 AM)


Red Decks are awesome. I think one day I shall make an almost-singleton Red Deck Wins. It won't be Legacy-Good, but it will be more than enough to take down most decks I want it to be able to take down.

There are too many fantastic Red cards over the years, and I want to play them all. To make room for Thunderbolt, Flamebreak and Jaya Ballard, some interesting card choices must be made.

Learn now the Lore of the Secret Fires!
First Learn the Four, the Staples,
Lightning Bolt is the Oldest, the Alpha Born, Aged as Mountains,
Chain Lightning, most Legendary, the Maddest, the Friendliest!
Fireblast is cheapest, least costly, easiest
Rift Bolt is Timey-Wimey-est

Thunderous Wrath, the Rage of God
Searing Blaze is Hottest
Chandra the Youngest, Brash and Powe... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/31/2013 4:55:39 PM)


What kind of format would you play it in? Legacy? I would assume any legacy burn deck would play this as it is just another lightning bolt. I personally play a modern burn deck and would love to maindeck another lightning bolt. Thinking about it would be silly.
Posted By: samsammagic (6/3/2013 1:35:06 PM)


Lightning Bolts 5 through 8. Definitely something to look at for any deck with even a slightly burn based strategy.
Posted By: rollinsclone (6/8/2013 6:29:24 PM)


If you aren't worried about instant speed, this goes well in a red deck in conjunction with lightning bolt against a not red deck. It's essentially like having 8 lightning bolts in your deck.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (8/22/2013 3:16:12 PM)


Just keep swerve-in'
Posted By: Hepatizon (9/23/2013 12:05:31 AM)


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