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I love all of the praetors in this cycle - they are dripping with flavour, and I've been waiting since they were first hinted at on Scars cards' flavour text to get a glimpse of these legendary Phyrexians. Most of Phyrexia's legendary creatures in the past have been converts from the local populace that's being invaded (Ertai, the Corrupted, Ascendant Evincar, Glissa, the Traitor); Tsabo Tavoc has stood alone in this regard for a long time.

The flavour this cycle shares is an absolute home run in my books. I've heard many times that Vorinclex is the weakest one, as green already has good fatties, and a mana flare is "win-more" when you're at 8 mana already; that may all be true, but even if he is the weakest of the praetors, I still believe his ability is quite strong.


While both Vorinclex and War's Toll would be annoying to face down in EDH/Commander, they don'... (see all)
Posted By: Leshrac_Nightwalker (5/16/2011 7:37:58 AM)


@ MyrBattlecube O rly? You are forgetting that he is GREEN

turn 1 forest, Llanowar Elves

Turn 2 Forest, Khalni Heart Expedition, Llanowar Elves

Turn 3 Forest, Harrow Sac the expedition ( you will have the 8 mana next turn.

Turn 4 Play Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger

This is probably a slower method but w/e.

Please if anyone can think of something faster, do tell.

Posted By: Boakes2047 (4/28/2011 5:48:06 PM)


Nice in Casual or EDH Decks. Outside of this he has very little impact and comes far too late. Isn't even viable as revival target.
Posted By: Vividice (4/30/2011 1:11:40 PM)


This guy and urabrask are friends. Quite a powerful praetor
Posted By: Leonidus78 (4/28/2011 8:56:41 PM)


CRUELTY is not an option. geese so WICKED. Awesome Art and sorta game over
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (4/29/2011 1:25:08 PM)


Green has a form of control?
Posted By: infernox10 (4/29/2011 2:06:40 PM)


Vorinclex and Elesh Norn are tied for best praetor art.
Posted By: Combolulz (4/28/2011 6:59:54 PM)


How to get him out on turn three with commons:
1) forest, llanowar
2) forest, llanowar, priest of titania
3) forest, Praetor
1) forest, arbor elf
2) forest, Utopia Sprawl on the other forest, then use the four remaining mana to get two more Utopia Sprawls and 2 arbor elves. If you went first, you are now out of cards.
3) draw praetor, cast him with 8 of your 17 available mana. (well, play just about any card ever created, including the blue praetor)(The only permanents you can't play are those with more than 4 specific mana of a single color, or all five colors, or those with non-mana costs)
To play him first turn without rares, use 3 Elvish Spirit Guide, a swamp and 2 Dark Rituals

Honestly guys, saying what turn a card comes out is ridiculous in this game. Green can ramp anything into play and it depresses me how many decks use green to accelerate non-green monsters into play. R+D needs to make unsolvable crazy efficient green monsters more urgently than any other color.
I s... (see all)
Posted By: kiseki (5/2/2011 3:54:23 PM)


This thing is just outright sadistic.
Posted By: TherealphatMatt (7/28/2011 9:59:30 AM)


This guy is absolutely mean. You get additional mana from your lands and do a partial shut-down on your opponents' lands. Plus, he's green, peeps! You can get him out wicked early in any green deck.
Posted By: godmetal101 (4/28/2011 9:17:13 PM)


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