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Community Rating: 3.821 / 5  (176 votes)
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so... if I use this with boseiju can i cast two spells without them being counterable...
Posted By: Aarkleon (11/16/2012 6:35:26 PM)


ShatteredMirror, you think that's op, try this bad boy, with Caged Sun and Keeper of Progenitus out. When your forests tap for 4 green mana, then you have my permission to lol..
Posted By: Elnshaw7 (2/16/2013 10:31:30 AM)


Played an edh game with this guy in my deck and it hurt me more than helped me. Was put into my graveyard bya life's finale and was reanimated by my opponents via sepulchral primordial and clones of said primordial until it was finally evacuationed back to my hand.In the end one player used sorin markov's ulti and used the other guys turn to remove my creatures and kill me with a lightning greaves equipped phage.
Posted By: demidracolich (2/18/2013 7:14:15 PM)


Turn 1: Forest Arbor Elf
Turn 2: Forest, Overgrowth using the elf.
Turn 3: Forest, Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger.
Posted By: Stinga (3/24/2013 3:47:19 PM)


He looks a bit fragile, I guess that's why he only has 6 toughness. He needs to get sister Elesh to graft some plates over those holes.
Posted By: Goatllama (4/6/2013 3:43:38 PM)


Easily the worst Praetor in the cycle. Extremely prone to removal. Shroud would have helped, but by the time you can cast him, his ability is pretty useless. If you have 8 mana to spend, why would you need more lands? What are you NOT casting with 8 mana? So essentially, you're getting a 7/6 with Trample for 6GreenGreen. Hardly exciting.

Posted By: SubstantiaNigra (4/10/2013 1:30:57 PM)


The name makes him sound more like an Eldrazi.
Posted By: EGarrett01 (4/21/2013 11:03:25 PM)


One game I cast Vorinclex. Next turn Primordial Hydra.

Also: Progenitus.
Posted By: EdgarPoeAllen (5/28/2013 9:01:23 PM)


If you can mana ramp and get this guy out on turn four, it makes it a pain in the ass for your opponents to recover because he cuts their mana use in half and doubles yours. He's just as vulnerable as any other creature though, so I give him a solid 4/5. Combo his ability with cards like Garruk's Horde and Momentous Fall and he'll seem a lot more useful.
Posted By: Cygore (6/2/2013 9:22:50 AM)


Run him as your general if you want everybody to target you from turn one.
Posted By: MostlyLost (6/11/2013 11:16:52 AM)


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