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Fun with Ravenous Baloth and/or Felidar Sovereign.
Posted By: Mode (7/16/2011 2:32:00 AM)


Usual you won't be able to cast this spell in response to a wrath of god, since your opponent will know that you're able to cast a response spell, if you have 4 mana unused. Therefore, it's the typocal "abuse me" card... and there are enough possibilities.
Posted By: Cheza (8/3/2011 9:26:45 AM)


fresh meats best friend is phyrexian rebirth. i have a multiplayer deck around this combination, having a 30/30 with 30 3/3's brings your true pride out. --- enjoy!!!
Posted By: connorvore93 (9/22/2011 6:35:50 PM)


Grimgrin, Corpse-Born with Rooftop Storm and Gravecrawler combo. Would this work if you sacrificed and recast Gravecrawler a million times, or does Gravecrawler only count as one creature, giving you only one beast?
Posted By: OceanicSphinx (2/20/2012 8:40:19 PM)


@Donovan_Fabian: Read the card again. From the battlefield.
Posted By: blindthrall (5/9/2011 6:09:14 PM)


I love the fact that this set contains the card named Dismember as well.
If only they had named one Flesh Heap...
Posted By: StaberFire (5/1/2011 8:12:51 AM)


You need to be holding back 4 mana to use it, but I could still see this being completely awesome at the using phyrexian rebirth after a white sun zenith or a conqueror's pledge. I don't think it will see as much play as everyone believes though. Chances of you holding back 4 mana just at the moment your opponent wraths is not so high, and if you are doing the wrathing it costs you 8 - 10 mana. One thing of interest to note is that it works when a creature goes into your graveyard from anywhere including discard, and mill. Potentially, you could mill yourself, let it recycle with an eldrazi, and while it's on the stack use this card to put 20 or so beasties into play.

@minus prime, lol, yeah they should all have cleavers to make the image complete. :)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (5/2/2011 12:46:34 PM)


You thought ashnod's alter was good with mitotic slime? how about we nearly double the manaoutput or just put out 7 3/3s while generating 10 free mana. Sweet.

Also note that it's instant speed. Against board sweepers keep this baby around to "counter" wraths, xanthrid demons, havoc demons, carnifex demons, extinctions, etc etc etc. Myriad ways to lose your token army. Turn em into 3/3's because your enemy's a jerk! :D
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/2/2011 1:42:55 PM)


So Many Options. Sac Stuff, Wrath Counter JUST WOW!
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (4/29/2011 12:40:14 PM)


Oh yes! This is amazing in so many ways. Play set, please.
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (4/30/2011 11:20:15 AM)


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