This is just not a good card for the game... Geist of Saint Traft is a worse example of it but this isn't healthy either. People shouldn't be able to have creatures that are almost impossible to deal with at this sort of mana cost. Invisible Stalker doesn't interact with any other card on the board - it just sits there and hits you over and over and it's extremely difficult to stop it.
Posted By:
(10/5/2013 1:45:14 PM)
See also: True-Name Nemesis. Somehow they made this card even more infuriating to play against.
Posted By:
(11/30/2013 6:08:43 PM)
Little Girl beware of the unstoppable paedophile. The flavor of playing him and Mikaeus the Lunarch but I digress...
As far as power level I have to say, he is severely undercosted. Should have cost at least 4 or had shroud and unblockable for 2. That being said, great flavor and artwork and a cool card that will see play in modern for quite some time.
Posted By:
(1/31/2014 4:50:22 PM)