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Community Rating: 3.817 / 5  (82 votes)
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It's a good card to restore your position on the battlefield when opponent uses mass-removal. It would fit to elves but the problem is that elf decks usually have 4 lands at most on the battlefield.
Posted By: whoiam (5/2/2013 3:04:05 AM)


This should be a little cheaper. I think 5 cmc would be the best.
Posted By: Lockwert (5/14/2013 5:41:06 AM)


WrathofShane...that's on the same curve as a Titan. :/

I just opened this in a booster pack, and I half-think-you're right, half-hate-your comment.

I mean....

Look, I think this guy Is AT LEAST as good as a Serra Angel. Probably decently better. As good as Serra Angel with lifelink for no mana? If you feel like you like the play style a Craw Wurm theoretically should give, this Should be a great/pleasing card.

But....it's kinda bad. :/ It sees what, no play in anything? I'm not exactly begging for it to be played Legacy, duh Timmy-Smashers are Rarely that good at any point in MAGIC's history, if they were ever that good -_- (Timmy Smashers differentiate from Spike Smashers in that Tarmogoyf should cost twice the mana, and does not. This has a nice, reasonable cost.) And that's the problem. It's like if your deck wants to run Birds of Paradise, you probably don't want to run y... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (6/16/2013 3:25:24 PM)


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