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Community Rating: 3.871 / 5  (66 votes)
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Standard combo with forced worship
Posted By: PeterRabit (7/27/2011 5:24:44 PM)


I use her in a deck with oblivion ring, journey to nowhere, and elspeth. Get elspeth out... journey my shit I want to keep. Get some extra card. Explode Elspeth. Keep my shit.
Posted By: Hbrass23 (8/5/2011 11:33:51 AM)


I begged for this card since I first saw a Verduran Enchantress back in Revised. I am a W fanatic, and since they printed tis, I have seizures convincing myself not to play this card. A few of it's friends are: fastbond, Land Tax, Gossamer Chains, Sigil Of The Empty Throne.

I run 4. Really. Properly used, the #1 sustainable card engine evah.
Posted By: Psychrates (11/16/2011 12:43:52 PM)


Bant Enchantress Millage:

Turn 1: Say Hello
Turn 2: Jace's Erasure
Turn 3: Mesa Enchantress
Turn 4: Leonin Relic-Warder & Birds/Pilgrim
Turn 5: Oblivion Ring A (draw) ---> Leonin Relic-Warder, Oblivion Ring B (draw) ---> Oblivion Ring A, Leonin Relic-Warder ---> Oblivion Ring B etc. ---> Infinite Draw (Enchantress) ---> Mill opponent to death (Jace's Erasure)

One could also use Laboratory Maniac, but Jace's Erasure fits better with the enchantment theme and isn't quite as suicidal.
Posted By: Skillic (1/8/2012 10:09:15 AM)


A great card, I was always a fan of auras, and now with things like Angelic Destiny, Greater Auramancy, Kor Spiritdancer and a bunch of new Hexproof creatures, enchantments can finally be used pretty well. Good to hear it!

Suck on it equipment!
Posted By: Enelysios (4/13/2012 3:11:53 AM)


forced worship combos with her, but is just a terrible card. youre much better off playing flickering ward, which is very good by itself, and the combo only costs WW to repeat.
Posted By: garabor (4/13/2012 11:29:18 PM)


Combos with Rancor? I guess this is good for constructed. So many better options out there for standard (imo) that aren't going to rotate. Like the Mentor of the Meek/ Thraben Doomsayer combo. I want to give this better then a 3.5 but it's definitely not a 4.

Posted By: Ligerman30 (7/29/2012 9:57:43 AM)


With her, Mana Bloom becomes 1G, Draw a Card. MultiKicker 1
Posted By: Silverhawk100 (10/8/2012 2:30:12 AM)


Theros reprint?
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (8/30/2013 7:44:03 PM)


While it's severely outclassed by Kor Spiritdancer, it's much more affordable because of it. A decent option if you're building an Aura deck on a budget.
Posted By: Lord_Skoonie (9/2/2013 8:41:43 PM)


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