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Community Rating: 3.556 / 5  (54 votes)
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I always felt like such untapping effect should be green as well in a way of spider web and roots entangling poor victim... Entangling Vines were nice addition to green list of answers, but it was not really effective or efficient to be usefull. This looks much better, and with it's daddy spinner, most green players are gonna to fall in love with it.

Spider tribe, you're going to be really funny! Now, Wizards, please print more awesome spiders!
Posted By: Narim (8/1/2011 12:08:50 PM)


If I put this on a kami of the crescent moon does that mean I wont draw an extra card on my phase?
Posted By: Enkanto (8/5/2011 1:35:41 AM)



No as Kami of the Cresent Moon's ability isn't an activated ability, its a passive ability. Stuff that would be affected is stuff like Llanowar Elves or Deathless Angel.
Posted By: Gatsumon (8/14/2011 9:54:51 PM)


"Hey Big Spider Why You Tapping Yourself for?"
"Ahhhhhhhhhh it's all sticky and it's everywhere!!!!!!!!"

In other words a brilliant addition to Green making our reachy little spider even more playable :-)
Posted By: Dr_Fletchers (9/3/2011 2:54:14 AM)


The difference between 1Green and 2Green is surprisingly very big. I don't think this would be overpowered at 1Green
Posted By: shotoku64 (2/24/2012 2:49:53 PM)


Rat's Review 8

With Arachnus Spinner, you cannot declare a Spider as a blocker, then tap the spider to prevent another creature from dealing combat damage. You can still tap it to place the web, but it will not prevent the second creature from attacking. (Someone tried this at a tournament, the judge was NOT impressed)

Spider Tribal ftw!
Posted By: EbonRat (6/20/2013 5:35:20 PM)


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