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I'm not sure if it is worth running in casual burn decks. On one hand, it is a repeatable attacker that can easily come back to your hand, plus it works well with Chandra Ablaze. On the other hand, it costs a bunch more than what burn decks would like it to pay, not to mention the fact that it might not die very easily, making the phoenix effect seem pointless most of the time. Overall, it is an okay card.
Posted By: Keino (7/7/2011 3:18:58 PM)


...ummm what? Your comments make complete sense- but only if you confused Chandra Nalaar with Chandra Firebrand. Firebrand is great. Ablaze is slow. The sky is blue. The future is R-E-D RED. With or without any of the synergies with any Chandra, the Pheonix is great. In fact, I wouldn't be scared to predict that the Pheonix might be the highest casting cost card in RED KILL NOW!.dec

Forget Chandra. Forget even friggin Koth. Red is SCARY PEOPLE!!! Standard Red might be better than Duel Decks Fire & Lightning. Its that bad folks. (mostly bc the box came with a set number of rares, and Standard says play four copies of the best until your decklist gets banned for kicking too much ass)

Blasphemy this may sound, but Im not even positive there is actually room for GRIM. FREAKIN. LAVAMANCER in the new Red Decks. once Lightning Bolt leaves, with INNISTRAD, sure we can make room, but UNTIL THEN- seriously...

4x Lightning Bolt, 4x Searing Blaze, 4x Shock, 4x Incinerate, 4x... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (7/13/2011 7:13:03 AM)


Fun times with Fling. Not that it's a good combo, but it's just fun to turning it into a flaming boomerang.

This is actually a pretty good card overall. A 2/2 body with evasion and haste is a decent deal to begin with; adding the recursion effect on there gives it that little extra edge. It's also just another in a string of cards that seem to be encouraging Jace, Memory Adept/Chandra, the Firebrand self-mill counterburn (which will in turn probably pick up after Innistrad's allegedly heavy graveyard focus).

Too bad that it doesn't really have much synergy with Chandra, the Firebrand herself (edit for clarity: compared to the Chandra that's about to rotate). Unless you want to use her -2 to duplicate the Fling, I guess. :p


I don't know how you read my comment and got "Chandra Ablaze is be... (see all)
Posted By: Lyoncet (7/30/2011 11:12:26 PM)


Question... When it says "Whenever an opponent is dealt damage...", does that mean only their lifepoints, or when any of their creatures are damaged as well?
Posted By: Diombra (8/1/2011 5:10:31 AM)


Really nice, help me a lot in pre-release tourney.
Posted By: Tobilobilo (7/10/2011 6:05:41 PM)


I have a mixed feeling about this card.
Yes, this card would be definitely used in standard.
One could compare this card to repeatable burn like 'Cursed Scroll' or Grove of the Burnwillows and Punishing Fire, but the fact that it is a creature rather than direct burn hurts this card.

Of course, the fact that it is a creature is not always disadvantage. However, exiling creature is not a problem for most of the decks.
Posted By: Hoonster (7/15/2011 2:33:55 PM)


Molten-Tail Masticore maybe?
Posted By: tcollins (7/15/2011 10:35:22 PM)


@DeathDark They used that art on the Booster Box Promo card.
Posted By: Nayban (7/16/2011 2:43:36 AM)



Being a creature isn't necessarily a drawback. It's a flying creature, so it could block and defend Chandra, the Firebrand from most threats while she charges up to use her other abilities.

A repeatable creature is also good news if you're being forced to sacrifice them by an opponent.
Posted By: mike_stubbs1 (7/17/2011 1:22:46 PM)


Thing I don't like about red burn and Phoenix's recursion is LEYLINE OF SANCTITY
Posted By: n0odleex (7/30/2011 4:31:45 AM)


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