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My favorite card is Skyknight Legionnaire. When I saw this, I actually became a little depressed, because I thought it was just a plainly superior card that would make my favorite card obsolete.

They're both 2/2 flying haste creatures for 3 mana, but the phoenix has an excellent recursion ability as well. Why bother playing the skyknight at all?

In the end, I realized that cards like honor of the pure, scourge of the nobilis, angelic overseer,shining shoal, and balefire liege just worked better with the skyknight, and I wasn't using enough damage dealing instants/sorceries/planeswalkers to make Chandra's phoenix worthwhile in my principle deck.

In a way, I'm actually glad that the Skyknight works better for me (though, probably because the deck is sort of built around that card). Chandra's phoenix is still an amazing card though, because the combination of ha... (see all)
Posted By: Asmodi0000 (11/17/2011 8:39:40 AM)


It's less a creature and more a Shock for 1RedRed that recurs every time your opponent is damaged. And if you're playing a burn deck, you should be damaging your opponent. More phoenix tribal support!
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (4/26/2012 8:54:07 AM)


It's too bad it doesn't read, "dealt noncombat damage by a spell or permanent you control," because then Koth's Mountain pinging ability would be able to trigger this thing's ability.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (5/2/2012 6:34:14 PM)


If this returned to the battle field, it would have been really baller.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (6/4/2012 9:47:50 PM)


I love the art and the ability, and it's a formidable tournament player. I even like the creature type. Just an overall favorite of mine.
Posted By: KokoshoForPresident (6/7/2012 7:46:07 AM)


Use with Chandra Ablaze, deal 4 damage a turn?
Posted By: Megadog (6/13/2013 2:02:50 AM)


The phoenix will rise again (in m14).

I remember when skyknight legionnaire was an awesome card.
Posted By: DukeofDellot (6/24/2013 12:52:41 PM)


Epic card advantage for red. I thought it would be hard to fit into my EDH deck, but then I realised earthquake, breath of darigaaz, volcanic fallout, and sulfuric blast all hit players too.

It also adds a cool addition to things like browbeat. 3 cards? or my phoenix and you take 5? The choice is yours :P
Posted By: SAUS3 (6/25/2013 6:46:30 AM)


I'm so glad it's back. I just got into magic and misses this last rotation. can't wait to see if a Mono red burn can make waves in Standard, The name alludes me but the new Red 2 drop that puts 1/1's when you play red spells,4x guttersnipe 4xyoung pyromancer 4xchandra's phoenix 4xshock 1xawaken the ancient SB 1xBurning earth Are some cards im eager to start playing with
Posted By: johnnyinabucket (6/30/2013 9:12:57 PM)


Absolutely ridiculous with Firestorm. (You discard the pheonix when you pay costs, you get it back on resolution.)
Posted By: blurrymadness (9/20/2013 2:27:46 PM)


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