eh id rather have bladed pinions
Posted By:
(10/10/2011 2:21:10 PM)
I would love to see those attached to a Yavimaya Wurm
Posted By:
(3/16/2012 2:09:03 PM)
I did not know that this card exsisted until I drew one in a progressive sealed league. I actually kind of like it. It's cheap to cast and equip and gives your bigger monsters decent evasion. The only reason that this won't see much play is due to inflexiable players and all the artifact hate cards in Innistrand. All-in-all a well-balanced, straight-forward card.
Posted By:
(3/18/2012 12:50:58 PM)
I have a red white boros deck that I rock 2 of these things in. Nothing is more amusing to me than when I get it out and equip it to a hound of griselbrand. A 2 headed dog spitting fire with a crappy hang glider attached to him.
Posted By:
(6/17/2013 7:29:17 PM)