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Wizards obviously wanted the hate to rain down on fast green infect.

Yes. They hated fast green infect so much that they made it possible to kill your opponent on Turn 2 with a Glistener Elf, two Mutagenic Growths and an Assault Strobe. With one Green to spare.

If that's an archetype that Wizards hates, I would hate to see one they like.
Posted By: Enemy_Tricolor (7/12/2011 11:20:05 PM)


This isn't worse than Giant Growth. In many ways it is better. Suddenly you are trading a Runeclaw bear for a Titan in limited, where one mana isn't going to matter as much.
But I'll never forgive it for breaking Giant Growth's tenure. Even with its epic art and flavor combo.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (7/16/2011 5:15:29 AM)


Well, Monstrous Growth always did need to be an instant to be anything like useful.
Posted By: Twinsuit (7/7/2011 7:27:09 PM)


One benefit of this over giant growth is that 2 of these can kill a man (infect. And spanning over 2 turns)
This is one less card than if u would use giant growths.
I still say giant growth is the better card but this is passable.
Posted By: BobTheBuillder (7/11/2011 10:42:03 PM)


I shall miss the art from Giant Growth the most. Goodbye Mega-Smokey. It is the time of Giganti-Cat now.
Posted By: Endomarru (7/26/2011 10:21:07 PM)


it's called titanic growth because it turns a 2/2 wolf into a titan...for a turn
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/9/2011 10:25:47 PM)


I'm sad to see this break Giant Growth's Core Set run, as the little green I do play, I always run four Growths. I believe I heard somewhere there was a very good reason for kicking out Giant Growth, but who knows?

Upon thinking about it, there maybe some creature in Innistrad that gives your Instants and Sorceries Flashback equal to their mana cost. Imagine GreenGreen for +6/+6?
Posted By: JFM2796 (8/18/2011 8:48:36 PM)


There's a reason for it, guys. Wizards specifically said that there was a reason for this, and we won't know until Innistrad is spoiled. Imagine a blue enchantment that countered all enemy 1CMC spells. Not unthinkable. I'm sure there's a reason for this, we just have to be patient and have faith in WotC.
Posted By: StreamHopper (7/18/2011 1:40:10 PM)


Is it just me or does it look like a giant head on a stick?
Posted By: Raszero (7/11/2011 5:36:53 PM)


Does not die to Mental Misstep, like Giant Growth would. There's that.
Posted By: Salient (8/29/2011 9:58:37 PM)


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