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Community Rating: 3.055 / 5  (73 votes)
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Giant Growth will be missed. This card is like a distant cousin that, while has it's uses, can never replace the original. 3.5/5
Posted By: LimePeel (7/12/2011 2:08:37 PM)


The reason why this replaces Giant Growth are the Titans (see Sun Titan). All of them have P/T 6/6 and this means that even with a Giant Growth, you need a creature with power 3 to do a 2 for 1.

There are 44 creatures with power 2 in M12, but only 13 with power 3!!!

So this card is manly for limited tournaments and R&D did well with the replacement.

4.5/5 (-0.5 for the art)
Posted By: Cheza (7/27/2011 10:39:33 AM)


Okay, I totally get Shock and Cancel. You want to have the basic effect but it turns out your ideal casting cost for "Counter target spell" is 1/2{U}{U} and your damage for zapping things is like 2.5. But this isn't unglued, so you suck it up and go with the slightly underpowered spell because you want the effect and it really isn't a terrible card. Aaron pretty much said as much in his random card comment on one of the Cancel printings.

But this... you didn't remove Giant Growth because it was overpowered, you removed it just to mix things up. Which I'd usually be okay with, although I'm somewhat disappointed that it was just to have a core set survivor winner. (Totally agree on picking Giant Spider with the Arachnus dude around, though.) But you don't need to make a weak version of Giant Growth. You didn't even keep it at one mana, so there's no reason you couldn't have gone with something like Might of Oaks. You just made an unapologetically *** card.
Posted By: Tanaka348 (7/8/2011 8:41:13 PM)


If you Kick the Dog, The Dog Bites Back.

Not really a perfect Giant Growth replacement.
Posted By: Axelle (7/7/2011 3:31:38 PM)


Not only did they take away Lightning Bolt, but Giant Growth is soon to be gone as well.

As for hating on green, at least green got Dungrove Elder, which last I checked, is a pretty decent card.
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (7/25/2011 12:26:36 PM)


It's not awful, but I think Predator's Strike would have been a better replacement for Giant Growth. Trample is usually a lot more useful than an extra +1/+1.
Posted By: wstonefi (8/18/2011 1:44:39 PM)


Awwwwww, itsa puppy!

I would rather have Giant Growth, personally, but in a Lightning Bolt free set, this is a fair sub.
Posted By: EvilCartographer (7/8/2011 6:07:11 AM)


While I agree completely that Giant Growth's replacement is crap, and that they probably didn't even need to get rid of it,
I remember an articale saying there's a good reason it is out of the core set because of Innistrad.
So, I'm just crossing my fingers till then.
Posted By: infernox10 (7/10/2011 11:56:28 PM)


A worse giant growth... T_T

If they wanted a green combat trick in green for 2 mana, they should have added aggressive urge. At least that gives trample and is a cantrip. Far superior to this crap.
Posted By: majinara (7/10/2011 2:39:51 AM)


2/5 for not being Giant Growth.
Posted By: Condor_96 (9/24/2011 8:32:28 PM)


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