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Community Rating: 3.438 / 5  (136 votes)
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I once played someone using a draw-card deck, and I used one too. His was a bit more efficient than mine, so I played this and made him draw his deck. I won.
Posted By: atemu1234 (6/14/2012 11:03:06 AM)


It looks to me like this card is being judged against four things: Jace's Ingenuity, Stroke of Genius, Mind Spring, and the rest of its cycle. Granted, it probably is the weakest Zenith, but looking at how great most of those are, it's probably better to judge this card on its own merits. Despite having drawbacks when compared to the other recent draw cards, it does have enough advantages that it deserves to be ranked more around the 4.0 mark that Genius, Ingenuity, and Spring all share.

The easiest comparison is to Stroke of Genius. This is worse if you only have 1 or 2 blue mana available; in any other situation, it's better assuming shuffling it back into your library is a benefit and not a hindrance. Since the a good chunk of either card's cost is going to be in the X cost, and since you're going to want to play this card just before your untap step with all your available mana, the 2 bl... (see all)
Posted By: Lyoncet (2/19/2011 10:21:02 AM)


This card is much better than people give it credit for.

In a permission control deck, where it is imperative to have a full hand, this is very strong as a fifth or sixth Jace's Ingenuity. Its ability to refill your hand with little risk later in the game is unparalleled.
Posted By: Daedalus6174 (1/30/2011 10:44:46 AM)


Yes, Mind Spring at instant speed. Mind Spring was played a lot and so will this.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (1/27/2011 9:39:01 PM)


The new and (kinda) improved Stroke of Genius.

This time, without a hideously broken mana engine that nearly killed Magic forever.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (1/27/2011 3:59:18 PM)


The only use I see for this is as an infinite-mana sink.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (1/29/2011 1:50:25 PM)


it is not like there are much better draw cards then this Arcanis the Omnipotent Azami, Lady of Scrolls in the right deck. Power leek.
Posted By: dragonking987 (2/25/2011 7:53:01 PM)


Strictly better than stroke of genius in most cases.
Posted By: TheEtheriumMaster (6/14/2011 2:02:30 PM)


worst of the Zenith's
Posted By: Kyzar (2/5/2011 10:07:52 PM)


I Like It Better Than Mind Spring Probably Cuz In My Niv Deck I Play Alot A Counters And This Gives Me An Option Plus I Shuffle It Back In. Though Stroke Of Geneius Is Easier On The Eyes(Tripple Blue)
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (1/31/2011 1:37:23 PM)


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