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One of the most underrated aspects of this card are the impact it has on deck building. It saves you space. For example, let's say you run 3 Rafiq in your bant deck, which also runs 3 Sigarda. With this available, you can instead run only one Rafiq, one Sigarda, and three or four Green Sun's Zenith without hurting consistency. In fact, you're probably helping it.

Of course in the example above, I only mentioned two creature cards. In actual gameplay, you can snatch any green creature from your deck as you see fit. That's the definition of consistency.

In laymen's terms, that means assuming you have three Green Sun's Zenith's, that even one-of's in your deck can be consistently brought into play as if you had four. And four-of's can have the consistency of an eight-of with the addition of a fourth Green Sun's Zenith.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (11/4/2012 4:03:59 PM)


Stupidly good. It's rare that this grabs anything other than a Dryad Arbor, but in an especially long game I saw Progenitus get pulled out by this. Perhaps the best part of it is that you can run just 2 copies and still manage to play it 3 or 4 times in a game.
Posted By: Continue (3/5/2013 8:44:24 AM)


Broken. In elves cast it in the combo turn for Craterhoof Behemoth or Madrush Cyclops and swing for the win!
Posted By: whoiam (4/29/2013 6:03:12 AM)


It's good to often run 2 of your important creatures when running this, as the opponent running any kind of exiling removal will nail your only copy if you're not careful. Also, some decks *want* to run 8 copies of a creature so it can be *very* sure to get it out, this allows this for those archtypes. Even if the first one that you needed gets killed, you have a high chance of being able to nab a second one and continue on with whatever it is your deck does.

Examples include:
Veteran Explorer
Lotus Cobra
noble hierarch

Of course, many decks fill it with utility type 1-ofs:
Viridian Shaman
Acidic Slime
Eternal witness (tutor your grave tutor :D)
scavenging ooze
Xantid swarm

and it can nab finishers that only become important in certain matchups:
Posted By: blurrymadness (8/1/2013 9:13:26 AM)


Combos with green creatures that win you games.
Posted By: Kragash (11/14/2013 10:02:17 AM)


@MyrBattleCube: By jove! Are you implying what i think you are that you, dare i say it? Searched his library for the aforementioned Phage the Untouchable by casting Green Sun's Zenith for for {7G}? What a miraculous play on your par-

Wait a minute! Phage the Untouchable isn't green! Hey everyone, this guy's a phony!
Posted By: tcollins (2/1/2011 10:54:11 PM)


Hey, if you have 11 mana floating around, just go get a Progenitus!
Posted By: SolidSoldier (2/2/2011 8:33:30 AM)


This card reads:

Choose one - This card is a BoP for 1G; or it's a Leatherback / Doran for 3G; or it's a Acidic Slime for 5G; a Primeval Titan for 6G; an Avenger of Zendikar for 7G; etc. etc.

If that doesn't sound undercosted, well it is. WIth a Leathback in your deck it's a 4/5 for 3G as a baseline, which is just about fair (actually I don't think they even dare print a vanilla 4/5 for 3G, though they should); but then imagine it has all sorts of kicker that grows it to the best 7-drop ever for eight mana total, and doubles up as Utopia Tree in a pinch.

By the way, now they better avoid any WUBRG creatures. Those might as well be costed an easy 5G. This card is wrong.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (1/27/2011 10:08:22 PM)



The reason this has to have you shuffle twice 99% of the time is because the of effects that would allow you to cast this when it is owned by another player. Then you would search your deck but it would shuffle back into your opponent's.
Posted By: Vael22 (2/7/2011 2:17:49 PM)


Turn 1: Forest, This on Drayd Arbor.
And it even is shuffled back to your library. x_x
Posted By: Bursama (3/20/2011 4:34:21 AM)


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