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Community Rating: 4.616 / 5  (279 votes)
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WHY IS THIS NOT RATED 5/5?!?!? IT IS A REUSABLE GREEN TUTOR. Personally, I think this is beyond broken, especially if you have more than one in your deck.
Posted By: SpamBlade (2/28/2011 11:22:47 AM)


So at first I thought it came into your hand and I was like "Oh thats really cool." Then I read it over..

Holy crap it comes onto the battlefield? Wtf were they thinking?

"Fear my cosi's trickster"? Fear friggin anything I want ***

You need to think? no, you dont need to think to use this card. Its broken. Oh my goodness.. Im so excited I want five.
Posted By: TheSwarm (1/29/2011 8:26:49 PM)


Its a one mana land-to-play-untapped if you search for dryad arbor. Anyway this is the first card in the set I'll want four of
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/28/2011 6:27:56 AM)


Right into my elf deck, heck my beast deck too. Pay 9 search and put Progenitals into play is decent. 4 plz! Heck gimme 4 of the whole cycle :)
Posted By: Arthindole (1/30/2011 11:12:08 PM)


Being able to play any green from your deck for 1 more is just amazing. It being reusable is just icing on the cake.
Posted By: .Blaze. (1/27/2011 1:53:08 PM)


4 of these are definitely going into my casual Leyline of Anticipation deck. Flashing out a Nulltread Gargantuan or a Vigor or even just a Deadly Recluse is going to be so much fun.
Posted By: Discoduck (1/27/2011 7:36:07 PM)


When 4 Primeval Titans just aren't enough.
Posted By: faisjdas (1/27/2011 8:55:59 PM)


Seriously Wizards? This card is so black it should have been featured in a Spike Lee joint.
Posted By: Hayw00d0909 (1/28/2011 2:26:26 AM)


Yes, because green needs something other than genesis wave to dish out creatures...
What else can I say? This thing can be used over and over again to fetch anything for a tiny extra cost that is almost negligible in green decks. It's like the best of wargate (searching potential) and summoner's pact (an easy way to setup the creatures you need) all in one.
I only disliked elves before...
Posted By: AnTzero (1/29/2011 7:48:10 AM)


people seem to be missing the fact that it says "green" creature card so eldrazi can't be fetched.

other than that great card
Posted By: Rhunic_32 (2/27/2011 12:33:41 PM)


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