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This card is madness... How could it cost only X+1, especially on mana rampart colour?
Posted By: Frozenwings (3/1/2011 2:06:00 AM)


@MyrBattleCube: Easy solution: Painter's servant
Posted By: genovevo (3/9/2011 5:32:47 AM)


this card's ridiculously awesome!
Posted By: ChrisHanson (5/31/2011 8:12:59 PM)


What happens when you cast Kalni Hydra with this card? Do you only have to pay the reduced amount still deducted from Kalni Hydra as the converted cost?
Posted By: windscar (8/4/2011 6:30:53 AM)


Banned in modern!
Posted By: SgtSwaggr (10/15/2011 11:21:00 AM)


Banned!? Look at this!!! It should be a Federal Crime!
Posted By: grandpraetor (11/27/2011 2:31:51 PM)


Beautifully straight forward card: cutting out the middle-man. In essence, whatever green creatures are in your library are the same as being in your hand, no waiting for the perfect draw.
When you play the spell and allocate the “X” mana amount, you’re still not revealing what you may fetch other than the hint based on the amount “X” is (until of course the spell resolves), lol; control deck opponent’s may be like: “oh crap I didn’t know you have something worth that much mana in your deck to fetch, I better counter before I find out”.

Heavy counter decks will have to work just a little bit harder to rid themselves of your actual cre spells. Countering/preventing Green Sun’s Zenith still leaves you with your actual cre spell snug and waiting in your library.
Posted By: Chrs84 (4/16/2012 2:12:28 AM)


As referenced in the flavor text and featured in the art: Tree of Tales
Posted By: tomatopotato (4/18/2012 6:43:13 AM)


Darn, if it wasn't banned in Modern, it would be much more of a fun place. I was thinking something like:

T1: Razorverge Thicket, Steppe Lynx
T2: Misty Rainforest, sac it for a Forest, play 2 of this card (X is 0), find 2 Dryad Arbors, and swing with your 8/9.

There could be a new archetype :)
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (8/4/2012 2:50:39 PM)


Why is it that whenever I play the deck that has this card, I always have Glissa in my hand?? I only have one Glissa in my deck (and two of these) and I always seem to draw it before I can fire this up to grab her...
Posted By: Alsebra (9/18/2012 11:25:40 AM)


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