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I want a foil of this, and one for all of my friends. So that when they Foil with their foil Foil I can Foil it with my own foil Foil.
Posted By: Totema (4/18/2013 11:10:26 PM)


@PhyrexianAdvocate "Opponent: Gemstone Cavern, Flash, Protean Hulk, gg?
You: Foil. Look! We both start with a hand of 4, neat!"

That is actually not true. First, they loose a card to Gemstone Cavern, and that only gives them one mana, so they would have to use something like Simian Spirit Guide to give them the mana for Flash. Also, you would be countering Flash, so they never loose the Protean Hulk. In the end, they end up with 3 cards in hand and you would have four.
Posted By: flavioal28 (5/11/2013 11:38:57 AM)


@Flavioal: Gemstone Caverns doesn't count as your land drop if you play it at the beginning of the game. If you're gonna try and correct somebody, make 100% sure that you aren't wrong either.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (5/15/2013 8:26:53 AM)


Use in U/B reanimator? Pretty good with Land Tax?
Posted By: blurrymadness (9/11/2013 2:56:10 PM)


The cost is huge, but the cost of not casting it could cost you the game.

Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/18/2013 7:08:05 PM)


Posted By: Continue (12/3/2013 4:56:23 PM)


When talking Foil versus Force of Will, I like how the mana cost seems to be what a few - not everyone, obviously - are harping on.

Sure, for hardcasting, FoW is better.

What about the alternative-to-paying-the-mana-cost?

Would you rather lose life and exile a blue permanent, or discard an island, and another card - a land, a creature with the madness ability, or something that is either useful in the graveyard, can be brought back somehow easily, etc?

Ultimately it depends, I for one don't want to run the risk of losing mana sources just to counter a spell, but from discussions online **in general** I don't think Foil is being given enough credit... sure, it is no FoW, but there **MAY** be potentials I don't think are being realized with this card that you can't necessarily do with FoW directly.
Posted By: Travelsonic (12/14/2013 12:20:03 PM)


@ClockworkSwordfish Me too! Apparently we're not alone though...foil Foils are about $10.
Posted By: MostlyLost (1/27/2014 9:07:21 AM)


Also Deep Analysis.
Posted By: Thanato5 (2/7/2014 4:11:00 PM)


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