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Yes. Also, Trap Runner isn't an "it". She's a her. Both the art and her flavor text make her gender clear.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (8/9/2010 11:06:43 PM)


Solid ability, but the Trap Runner is just too weak to survive on the battlefield without being shot down by a random Lightning Bolt or Caldera Hellion. It's too expensive to make it matter, and it's too weak to really kill anything. More importantly, Trap Runner's slot in a soldier deck is already occupied by Daru Warchief.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (10/9/2009 9:45:32 AM)


Question: How does this card work on creatures with trample?
Posted By: AvatarOfHOE (3/20/2011 3:59:21 PM)


@A3Kitsune: It's a card unless you give gender to pieces of cardboard, it's an it.
Posted By: wholelottalove (9/29/2012 9:59:28 AM)


How does Trap Runner's ability work with the enchant creature card Venom?

If an unblocked creature is blocked by way of this tap-ability, is it this card (Trap Runner) that is the blocker (why/why-not and who is the blocker)?

Another way to put my question is: When Trap Runner''s ability causes an unblocked attacking creature to become blocked, does Trap Runner destroy the now blocked attacking creature at the end of combat (on the account of the attacking creature becoming successfully blocked by the Venom enchanted Trap Runner)?

Thanks kindly (Have not been a game of magic between me and my friends that we have not bickered over the technicalities of this one- and why/why-not it should be treated one way or the other).
Posted By: _GK (7/22/2011 7:59:14 PM)


In my white weenie deck, laughing at exalted decks.
Posted By: Skericide (8/15/2012 3:00:54 PM)


@JackBauer and Jphachy
You could cause two or more to become blocked (via untap effects you could get an indefinite amount.) Her tap ability can occur at any time after attackers have been declared and before combat damage is dealt. You block, then you cause someone else to become blocked.

In other words, Since her ability is not a blocker you don't have to "declare it" at the same time; you just cause something to become blocked. Great against a variety of painful creatures.

3.5 IMO. Usually you'll be better off if you can get fog effects, but they serve a little different purpose. This guy is a fog if you can control the board a bit, reusable and free. Don't have removal? No problem; stall for a bit and that Demon of Death's Gate will just have to watch for a bit.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/1/2013 10:05:44 AM)


can she cause creatures that say "can't be blocked by fewer than x" creatures to become blocked with her power, the way i read it she doesn't create a blocker she just makes it blocked, so my interpretation is that she can.
Posted By: idgit313 (8/19/2013 7:02:16 PM)



It does work on unblockable creatures (says in her ability). I also agree with you on the debate, people should chill out.


Yes, she can block creatures that require more than one blocker with her ability. She can also block creatures with shadow, flying, fear, or really any ability unless they have shroud, hexproof, protection, trample, or the potential for direct damage like Thorn Elemental (I love that guy). Technically the trample or direct damage creature would be blocked, but it's irrelevant because it goes through anyways.

I think Trap Runner is a great card, sure she costs a bit, but she's a lot of fun to use (and can be quite frustrating to be against). A friend of mine uses her in a W/G deck that is pretty tough to fight.
Posted By: DiscoSpider (8/28/2013 11:04:05 AM)


Posted By: Psychrates (8/28/2013 1:57:57 PM)


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