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Will this work with acard that makes players sacrifice creatures like Anowon, the Ruin Sage?

Posted By: LADIE-Z (12/30/2011 6:41:24 PM)


One of my favorite vamps around. It's like a game of economics, because suddenly you have an incentive to kill and destroy as many creatures as you can. Not to mention that I can often hit them with the 2/2 flying at the same time, a slow but sure game-winner in most of my matches.
Posted By: anchovee (2/19/2012 10:07:29 AM)


Really pays off late game with Bloodline Keeper tokens and Blasphemous Act.
Posted By: Dustsomeday (3/15/2012 12:40:38 PM)


Goblin Arsonist + Perilous Myr + Falkenrath Noble + Rolling Temblor. With only a couple of each gob or myr on the field you are talking about 10 dmg and 4 life gain and it keeps your Noble intact. If you remove a couple of your opponents critters or tokens the swing becomes even larger.
Posted By: alphagprime (3/16/2012 9:39:19 AM)


It's fun in multiplayer, because some people just want to wipe the damn field, whether I gain a bunch of life and kill somebody or not.
On at least one occasion, I paired this up with a Rage Thrower in a 4-man game, and successfully killed every other player off of one Planar Cleansing that an opponent cast.

It hit the table and I just look across at him, like "seriously?!"
Posted By: NoobOfLore (3/18/2012 3:00:44 PM)


rides the massacre wurm all the way to victory.
i *would* have preferred a third point of toughness on him, though.
Posted By: Crow_Of_War (4/13/2012 9:20:43 AM)


5/5. Put him in a Green/Black undying deck with Altar's Reap. Altar's reap your Strangleroot Geist, direct -1 to opponent and +1 to you, you pick up 2 cards and can now swing for 3. If they kill it, direct another -1 to them and another +1 to you! Great fun.
Posted By: monstersexist (4/20/2012 1:02:33 PM)


It's a flying Blood Artist... what could be better than that?
Posted By: Raynor1111 (10/13/2012 9:40:14 PM)


Picking up 4 of these guys — I love Blood Artist, so why not get more of the same?
Posted By: Continue (10/29/2012 3:07:36 PM)


Blood Artist, Falkenrath Noble, and Killing Wave. Even in multiplayer, these 3 cards feel like it deals with alot of problems, while putting your opponent on a clock. Probably the best non-traditional deck Ive built in Standard yet includes these cards, Harvester of Souls, and any card that helps build up creatures while hurting your opponent.

While there might be better options, Soulcage Fiend, Maalfeld Twins, and Geralf's Messenger all come to mind. See what works for you!
Posted By: ArthurusGallant (12/31/2012 3:31:39 PM)


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