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Community Rating: 4.007 / 5  (223 votes)
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Efficient, provides card draw, shoots for last points of damage, and is not a mythic. 5/5
Posted By: Kryptnyt (9/23/2011 7:02:51 AM)


One of my favourite black cards... I have a hard time not running this amount of card advantage in every black deck. It's hilarious when you kill somebody with his effect - like playing a Sign in Blood on an opponent.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (1/12/2013 6:16:43 AM)


My demon deck has all sorts in it. Halo Hunter, Ob Nixilis, Lord of the Void, Reiver Demon... - basically any demon that I can get my hands on without resorting to spending millions on one card. I can't even remember what I stuffed in there.

But no demon ever saves my ass as much as this guy. When I need something to chump a flyer, he's there. Card advantage too? Don't mind if I do. Flying aggro? Yeah, he can do that.

Blood Speaker has the option of tutoring up any of the nightmares available to me. And yet there's almost always one name on his lips - Bloodgift Demon.
Posted By: psychichobo (4/22/2013 3:27:15 AM)


5/4 arena on a stick for 5?

I'll take it.
Posted By: faisjdas (9/22/2011 3:37:30 PM)


Wow. I'd pay 3BB for a 5/4 flying. His draw ability makes him golden.
Posted By: Secksee (11/30/2011 3:25:19 AM)


turn 2: heartless summoning
turn 3: bloodgift demon

can't top that.
Posted By: hello4am (11/21/2011 2:36:46 PM)


Brought this out in a game when I was getting quite low on health as it was. Probably drew three cards from it before I started targeting my opponent with it, pinging him for damage. I had enough answers in my hand to handle any card advantage he would drop, but I did end up winning with 1 life. Definitely going to be using it to draw cards for yourself 90% of the time, but turning it into a 6/4 every now and against isn't terribly ineffective.
Posted By: igniteice (2/10/2013 9:16:37 PM)


Card advantage, 5/4 flying, cool art, 4 swings for win,... ? Ill play that.
Posted By: Pipikako (3/20/2013 3:28:22 AM)


Quite good. A finisher that tries to make sure he's a finisher (by drawing you more stuff to finish. Or something.) Very good.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/10/2013 8:29:59 AM)


Now that Orzhov has a mechanic that will generate you a lot of life per turn and Crypt Ghast, Bloodgift Demon has found a happy home in my extort deck. So with that, I say cheers and drink to card advantage and for me, creature hate!
Posted By: GhostCounselor (4/18/2013 5:45:24 PM)


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