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Shame the ability isn't optional, but with black it rarely is!

Also, dies to four Storm Crow. Scary!
Posted By: Itten (10/4/2011 11:41:54 PM)


Demonic rituals must be going on at the WotC HQ as the demons are getting more and more powerful all the time. This is ridiculous and makes many creature cards from the past useless in comparison. Too powerful creature for Black, 3/5
Posted By: AncientTimer (10/21/2011 6:33:04 AM)


I'll drink to that!
Posted By: TastetheJace (2/26/2013 1:42:41 AM)


Its a shame it can't stand up to dismember or it'd have potential in standard :(
Posted By: Raszero (9/25/2011 3:13:01 AM)


Whoah. Damn.

This might already be replaced...

Kaalia of the Vast can now play GRISELBRAND

Q:Umm why wouldn't I play both of these cards?

A:Because as great as Innistrad set is, it has nothing on Avacyn Restored set. I can't remotely imagine a Kaalia deck that doesn't run a huge percentage of its cards straight from this Block though.

There MIGHT be room for this card in Kaalia still. Wow. That sentence wouldn't have made sense a year ago. Wow. Kaalia is the stupidzonkersbrokenest General in the game xD

LashofDragonbreath: Of the quality Dragons, Demons, and Angels that are out there? There are so many Angels. Unless you disregard Deck Synergisms and play a kind of TimmyForever-style Kaalia Deck, looking for all of the cards that look most like Akroma, Angel of Wrath.

Your insight about Demons and Epic Spells stapled to them is true, and in the months since, it's become ludicrously pushed with Angels as well. We have Gisela/au... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/28/2013 2:20:07 PM)


Just pulled this in a booster today and then Sorin's Vengeance in another booster, I was delighted :D
Posted By: Avenged7fold (10/17/2011 12:14:34 PM)


I wonder if this will see constructed play...
Posted By: pedrodyl (9/23/2011 2:38:47 PM)


I think the 5 power is what makes this good in Constructed. B/U control will have all kinds of fun with t5 this, t6 Consecrated Sphinx.
Posted By: dudecow (9/23/2011 3:46:48 PM)


Oh wow, this is great!!! It's like Dark Confidant, except you can kill your opponent! I wanna stick him into my discard deck with Underworld Dreams, so that I can damage them and give them late game targets for my discard
Posted By: Superllama12 (9/23/2011 7:32:58 PM)


I'll drink to that!
Posted By: DragonicSphinx (9/23/2011 11:15:20 PM)


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