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Community Rating: 4.007 / 5  (223 votes)
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you're missing the point of black, and the point of Wizards being the ones who say what goes.
'too' anything, is there, so they can torture anyone not abusing it.

looks like a deliciously fun card... in a bad way.
Posted By: Brastus (11/11/2011 11:38:45 AM)


So, you get a 5/4 black flyer for 3BB with the "drawback" of paying 1 life to gain an extra card. Um, yeah - that's more than slightly good!
Posted By: Radagast (11/17/2011 9:05:35 AM)


Seldom does black get a 5 flyer for 5 mana. Let alone having a 3 cmc enchantment glued to his face.. 4.5/5!
Posted By: Silence9 (1/17/2012 4:25:15 AM)


Ok, great idea. Given that, although this has flavor, it isn't necessarily to the set, it should have been given 1 more toughness, and put into M12 in place of Bloodlord of Vaasgoth, who I at least, wasn't satisfied with. Then put the Bloodlord in here as a rare, and switch it's name to Bloodlord of Stensia. This has a great core set simple vibe to me, while Vaasgoth fits the tribal of Innistrad well, especially the red +1/+1 counters.
Flavorwise, I loved him because after I heard the story of Sorin's grandfather, I thought this was a reference to the demon who convinced him to father the vampires. But that turned out to be Griselbrand, so I guess this guy is sort of just a regular demon. Once again, a reason I think he was core-set material.
Also, love this guy with Heartless Summoning. But the worst for me was facing a guy at the prerelease with this and Lord of Lineage.
But, great card... just the sheer fact of it being... (see all)
Posted By: 1qazxsw (1/21/2012 10:27:13 AM)


This should be 8 mana! Wow a 5/4 flier that has Phyrexian arena glued on it why doesn't this see play in standard nobody plays dismember any more. Seriously undercosted
Posted By: Justin133Nivmizzet1 (3/11/2012 11:35:17 AM)


Very flavoursome black demon. Drew this in draft and was initially reticent about putting him in the deck. Silly me, once on the table he's great, a strong creature with flying and his ability gives a real edge allowing you to draw extra cards each turn. The card advantage was easily worth paying the life for and made a real difference in all games when I got to play him.
Posted By: HowardTreesong (4/9/2012 6:20:44 AM)


Sweet berry wine!!!
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (5/10/2012 1:38:01 PM)


The fact that this is a black 5/4 flying for 5 mana is already decent, but the fact that this has a phryexian arena attached to it makes this thing extremely powerful. I am shocked at the fact that so many people underestimate this guy. 5/5
Posted By: jldm777 (5/11/2012 10:15:43 PM)


Opened one of these beauties at a draft and proceeded to tear through everyone. Very efficiently costed for its body, and it has an excellent ability as well. Just barely on the wrong side of the power curve to see much play in formal constructed, but I know for sure that I'll put him in any black deck I make. 4.25/5.
Posted By: Dustylou_2 (5/17/2012 10:17:13 PM)


I have to add that he seems basically like a less hardcore version of Seizan, Perverter of Truth, but with more wings and less individual uniqueness.
Posted By: Tiggurix (5/30/2012 8:22:40 PM)


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