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Now imagine how crazy this would be if the flashback were green instead of white.
Posted By: MyrBattlecube (10/4/2011 9:07:59 PM)


T1: Forest, Birds of Paradise
T2: Swamp, Liliana of the Veil, discard a threat card like um Sheoldred, Whispering One or Sun Titan or Grave Titan
T3: any land, discard Unburial Rites, flashback Unburial Rites, return Sheoldred or Titan
T4: profit
Posted By: RazielKane (10/8/2011 11:04:23 PM)


I bet you thought my Grave Titan was dead... and this Sun Titan was dead. NOOOOOOPE! Unburial Rites
Posted By: Appleseed000 (10/9/2011 6:22:59 PM)


You know what this thing does?

Two more ETB triggers on your titan (or anything that has a nice ETB).
Posted By: TherealphatMatt (10/12/2011 3:19:30 PM)


Sideboard options against graveyard decks for Standard;
Nihil Spellbomb (whole graveyard)
Surgical Extraction (instant speed response to this, good against decks with few win cons)
And my favorite, Noxious Revival. Works well against uncastable ten mana creatures.
And with all that, I'm still looking forward to seeing this card in action.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/14/2011 7:47:33 PM)


Tempted to splash white in my self-mill, just for an excuse to run this. I could chuck in eight (four B/W, four U/W) dual lands, I guess...
Posted By: LordRandomness (11/22/2011 1:49:34 AM)


This is what you want to do in Solar Flare:

Turn 1: Land, maybe Ponder.
Turn 2: Counter/Kill spell.
Turn 3: Liliana of the Veil discarding this, or Forbidden Alchemy discarding this and a fatty.
Turn 4: Use Liliana to discard a fatty and play this.

Turn 4 Titans or Praetors are good, I hear.
Posted By: boneclub (12/7/2011 1:31:31 PM)


I once found myself with several playsets of Faithless Looting, four of this, and some Shattered Perception, then raided my rare and uncommon binder for stuff that I've never been able to profitably cast. Shortly thereafter I found myself unburying Hellkite Overlords, Flayer of the Hatebound, Geralf's Mindcrushers, and Pelakka Wurms with Dragon Scales, all in the same 60 card deck!
Posted By: DacenOctavio (4/14/2012 10:21:54 AM)


my first choice for any kind of reanimate in Modern. This thing makes sure my Doran, the Siege Tower deck keeps on swinging away. I wasn't around during flashback's earlier stints in standard, but I gotta say this mechanic is awesome for conserving important slots in decks. This and Ancient Grudge are definitely my favorite flashback cards. 4.5/5 for being one of the best Modern reanimation options, and for being a solid card late game for important comebacks.
Posted By: WarioMan (6/14/2012 11:43:24 PM)


Be careful running Standard Reanimator, guys. They're reprinting Tormod's Crypt in M13.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (6/25/2012 8:22:05 AM)


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