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Community Rating: 3.652 / 5  (46 votes)
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One of my first thoughts for this were Spellbinder - wich helps you not to play spells and benefits from intimidate.
Other than that, better bears are always decent, and better bears with tribal sinergy (Mayor of Avabruck, Moonmist and all the rest of Innistrad's werewolf stuff) are great, even though I'm not quite fond of 2-drops in green since it's so easy to have 3 mana in turn 3 (Llanowar Elves or my all-times favourote Utopia Sprawl, for example).
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (11/6/2011 7:08:25 PM)


Wouldn't you say the better card is the one that punishes the right play, rather than encourages it?
Posted By: Kryptnyt (4/11/2012 7:32:49 PM)


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