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@Tommy9898: Hovermyr doesn't die to Go for the Throat or Terror, your argument is now invalid
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (4/29/2011 3:05:16 PM)


I like it. Myr alsways needed a flyer to block those pesky sqaurdron hawks
Posted By: Leonidus78 (4/28/2011 7:55:12 PM)


What in the heck am I reading in here? Strictly better than this and that and whatnot? No, no it's not. It's far preferable, but not strictly better than any of the names being tossed around here. Go learn what strictly better means before using it like that. I'll get y'all started.

If it's strictly better, that means it has all of(or even less than) the flaws/vulnerabilities of what the worse card without gaining any new vulnerabilities. An artifact creature has a different set of weaknesses than non-artifact creatures, so it's not better. Flying is a nice gain, but there's plenty of anti-flying tech, so Hovermyr is not strictly better than Omega Myr, for Omega Myr isn't affected by the vast amounts of flying hate. There are often benefits to having color. Hovermyr isn't going to benefit from anything that boosts red like Utvara Scalper will. The Scalper also gains from the vast amounts of Goblin tribal love out there. Hovermyr has to sit on the wayside for that.... (see all)
Posted By: MyrBattlecube (10/20/2011 6:30:43 PM)


not strictly better than Storm Crow! It's way worse!
vigilance: I always put an umbral mantle on my storm crow!
arifact: this thing dies to shatter or other stuff that can destroy arifacts!!!
--> it's strictly worse than storm crow!
Posted By: Hancocky (5/17/2011 8:46:06 AM)


oh please, it wishes it could be storm crow
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/8/2011 10:45:46 PM)


Storm crow can't be shattered. Your argument is invalid.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (4/28/2011 9:50:38 PM)


The new Baneslayer Angel of two-mana birds. Or rather two-mana flying myrs.

This Myr was created when Memnarch, admirative of the Storm Crow's grace and power, decided to pour some Liquimetal Coating on one.
Posted By: Arachnos (4/13/2012 11:40:18 PM)


NOOO Beist not led into temptation! Thy lord the Storm Crow and his holy unity of Strictly Betterness shall lead us all into the light with Tribal Birds decks! Seriously, nobody uses Vigilance except some weird creature combo decks with noninstant nonsorcery nonland cards, and Myr is a nearly useless tribe. Storm Crow knows all, sees all, is all, and swings for all. Come, thy priests of the Crow, and let us worship in the temple of the Wood Elemental, under the gaze of the Chimney Imp.

(Also read Brian Keene's A Gathering of Crows. Totally about SC)
Posted By: Shadoflaam (5/23/2011 6:22:50 PM)


Hooover Myr. Toucan Cuttie PIE! With Balloooony Wings.
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (4/29/2011 10:03:14 PM)


I really like it. First (and hopefully last) time I call a magic card cute, not to mention the flavor. Plus it's pretty much ultra efficient, great for any casual artifact deck's curve, and possibly even filler for some more competitive decks.
Posted By: mrnubnub (5/2/2011 4:35:10 PM)


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