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Because palyers can tap lands and add mana to there mana pool even if they are not going to use it. So they can tapp before this effect to avoid or minimize damage.
Posted By: Arachobia (9/8/2011 1:47:08 AM)


I hope this card gets an eratta to actually make it not more useless than one with nothing.
Posted By: Ace_Rimmer (6/10/2009 12:48:54 PM)


The only use I can see is punishing blue for keeping untapped land open for a counter.
But that's trying to see the good side of the sewage tank.
Posted By: infernox10 (8/1/2010 11:32:22 PM)


Manabarbs is back, and along with Personal Sanctuary, this is somewhat usable. Is it weird that I want a reprint of this now?
Posted By: Totema (5/13/2012 8:06:20 PM)


This still works really well with Price of Glory and Manabarb.

One with nothing is actually very useful, you just haven't figured it out.

This card used to be bad ass, Mana Burn made the game so much better. I lament the day they got rid of it. Things like Mana Flare where much more tricky because you didn't want to get burned every turn by them.
Posted By: blazestudios23 (4/17/2013 10:55:20 AM)


"10/4/2004 This card knows how many were untapped even if it was not on the battlefield at the beginning of the turn."

It knows. IT KNOWS.
Posted By: pyromosh (8/16/2013 5:30:07 AM)


I sense much butthurt within these comments...
Posted By: Tribor (3/5/2014 11:45:14 AM)


You tap all of your lands at the end of your opponent's turn so that the card does 0 damage to you.

As far as regenerating a creature that isn't going to the graveyard, what are you talking about? Do you mean removing damage, removing the creature from combat, and tapping the creature, when regeneration is activated, or do you mean activating the ability that produces a regeneration shield? Because you can do the latter before the creature is going to the graveyard, in fact, you have to or the shield doesn't work.
Posted By: CogMonocle (4/4/2014 3:34:47 PM)


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