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Community Rating: 3.879 / 5  (141 votes)
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I'm thinkin some esper action with Venser...
Posted By: HitTheGoat (9/25/2011 2:28:39 PM)


I'm the evil twin brother that has been sleeping with your wife. Dun-dun Duuuuuuunnnnnn.
Posted By: Singe (9/25/2011 4:36:43 PM)


The flavor is all over my desk.
Holy cow, this is an amazing creature. It comes in as a copy of whatever you want, and then kills that creature. Oh, you have a titan? Me too! But mine is better! Mine kills yours. And then you.

Posted By: StreamHopper (9/26/2011 3:10:51 PM)


Almost a direct counter to Essence of the Wild. Gives you your own 6/6 factory and allows you to target all the tokens with his ability. One of my favorite plays at pre-release.
Posted By: R_O_L_E_S (9/26/2011 5:38:37 PM)


So cool! Epic flavor that actually translated into game mechanics perfectly on a very playable card. Lots of fun!
Posted By: Radagast (10/3/2011 12:22:49 PM)


I lost a game in the pre-release because of this card and snapcaster mage. He had copied my activated angelic overseer, and then played the snapcaster (the only human in his deck) to activate his copy, bringing the game to a standstill, 'til I pulled a kill spell.
Promptly after casting it, he cackling counterparted the snapcaster.
It was a rather lulzy game, to say the least.
Posted By: Kohta (10/9/2011 4:49:07 PM)


William Wilson

"You have conquered, and I yield, Yet, henceforward art thou also dead-- Dead to the World, to Heaven, and to Hope! In me didst thou exist-- and, in my death, see by this image, which is thine own, how utterly thou hast murdered thyself."

I read a short story by Edgar Allen Poe today that reminded me very much of this card
Posted By: brunsbr103 (10/9/2011 11:17:18 PM)


Quite simply one of the best flavored cards in the game.
Posted By: Mr.Wimples (10/12/2011 12:04:46 PM)


4.5/5 for being a more adaptable version of Clone. You can create a copy of a creature you control that you wouldn't mind having another of (Darksteel Colossus, anyone?) or creating a copy of a creature your opponent controls that's more than an annoyance ("You think your Carnifex Demon is pretty cool, huh? Well, take THIS!)
Posted By: deadeye1387 (11/24/2011 10:50:36 AM)


I want to see this used against a Relentless Rats deck. Oh, the hilarity that would ensue.
Posted By: Shabroky (12/23/2011 12:17:57 PM)


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