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There are plenty of one toughness bombs to surprise in standard, and now with Hex Parasite your deck actually might be in a real need of this card.
Also. Quest for pure flame. It's a beautiful thing.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (6/14/2011 8:52:20 AM)


Look all you complainers.
WotC couldn't have printed Phyrexian Shock because Shock is seeing reprint with its friendly companion in battle Incinerate in M12.
Posted By: InsomniacLife (7/4/2011 1:15:41 AM)


While I generally like this card, I do think that they should've made the damage unpreventable, as that would also go more in line with the flavor or a gut shot. The only problen is that this card was printed in red, and already has much better burn spells at its disposal, even Standard still has Lightning Bolt, on top of other more versitile spells like Burst Lightning.

However the real kicker is that phyrexian mana, so it can be used in any color. Still, I feel for functionality Dismember is much better as it can take almost any target short of a titan. Although I will lol if I ever see someone drop a Lotus Cobra with this, that would simply be insulting!
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (7/29/2011 3:38:03 AM)


This is a solid blue/black/green/white card.
Posted By: Crag-Hack (8/7/2011 12:01:00 AM)


With Bloodthirst in M12 and presumably innistrad, this becomes a lot better. Paying 2 life for a bloodthirst enabler that is quite hard to prevent seems pretty good and allows you to drop bloodthirsty creatures on curve, even when you don't have creatures already in play.
Posted By: Studoku (8/19/2011 6:36:01 AM)


in my opinion this thing should deal more damage....then again...i think a shock for any deck would be too broken...hmmm....how could this be better? split second?
Posted By: Zacklar (8/26/2011 9:01:13 PM)


Gut Shot + Garruk Relentless//Garruk, the Veil Cursed... Just saying...
Play Garruk, Gut shot him for no mana, and suddenly he's transformed... Seems good to me.
Posted By: Asceric (9/2/2011 9:52:31 AM)


1 damage is just plain not enough. If it did its damage as infect then maybe since it'd at least stick around.

But 1 damage for 1 card? Nope. I'm having a hard time imagining a situation where this comes out ahead of something else. This, as far as I can tell, is a card for Limited and MAYBE some oddball combo we'll figure out down the road. The fact it can be payed for with life... is just a pittance to the fact it's a card that does only 1 damage. That's *** poor efficiency but like I said it's probably not meant for its burn.

...What I'd have given for a playset if that damage counted as a poison counter or -1/-1 counter...
Posted By: Nukeleo (9/19/2011 1:44:31 AM)


All I have to say is Caravan Vigil and Brimstone Volley on turn 1(on the draw) and 3 respectively. Surely you can see where I'm going with this.

However, I do wish this did a little more than just 1 damage. I fully understand that anymore damage and it's be too good, but at least make it so they can't be regenerated or it can't be prevented. You're stabbing a jagged, rusted spear through a creature.
Posted By: Bazzoka (9/26/2011 4:35:58 PM)


for bloodthirst?
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (10/3/2011 10:26:13 PM)


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