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why do people not see why this is good? for NO MANA you can potentially disrupt a lot of common turn 1 plays. hell, it even gets rid of inkmoth. being able to kill a creature before you even take your first turn is just too good. and bloodthirst is a nice afterthought.
Posted By: Nexath_of_Kalastria (1/23/2012 4:21:35 PM)


Stupid gutshot... killing my splicers...
Posted By: Averyck (1/31/2012 7:06:30 PM)


@Hairless Thoctar: totally agree with you. i'd add stromkirk noble, delver of secrets, champion of the parish, gideon's lawkeeper, mayor of avabruck, vault skirge... even thalia, guardian of thraben, although she makes this mana costing. anyway, my blue standard deck really Runs it.
Posted By: joker53 (3/9/2012 3:27:16 AM)


Suppose he's got a pointed stick.
Posted By: Godsire346 (6/8/2012 6:11:47 PM)


Fantastic card, especially in fast-paced burn or aggro decks where you aren't too worried about your life total. Being able to deal 1 damage to any target at any time even if you're completely tapped out is ridiculously useful.

Like Gitaxian Probe, its value and flexibility as a "free" Red Phyrexian mana spell even makes it worth considering Gut Shot for decks without any Red mana — if you can afford the life.
Posted By: blindloyalty (6/18/2012 2:48:39 AM)


Posted By: Notchism (7/24/2012 12:57:02 PM)


I too think setting ramp decks back a turn is just horrible.

Opponent: Forest, Birds of Paradise.
You: Gut Shot in response, start turn, forest, Birds of Paradise.

Honestly in today's metagame this is finding newfound utility.

And Mental Misstep? Well, that's banned in Modern, and since it is designed with Legacy and Vintage in mind, I think you'll be more worried about countering Aether Vial or any other scary crap than Gut Shot.
Posted By: Kale_Eledar (8/11/2012 9:11:12 AM)


Using this to activate bloodthirst is a bad idea, unless its a last resort.

Also... puts Hornet Sting to shame.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (9/5/2012 2:22:59 AM)


I miss having this card in standard. I remember when I played Grixis Death's Shadow and did this to my self, twice in one turn. It scared my opponent shitless.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (12/23/2012 3:18:47 PM)


Turn 1: Mountain
Turn 2: Mountain, Kiln Fiend
Turn 3: No Mountain. Ahh well. Burn one blocker with a 1 cost burn. (Lightning Bolt, Burst Lightning, Forked Bolt which is good for two 1/1's) then Assault Strobe your Kiln Fiend. Pay 2 life to Gut Shot the last blocker (or opponent of no creature is availiable.) and then slap your enemy for 20 with your 10/2 Double Strike. =)
----And if Gut Shot isn't in your hand, you can always sacrifice two mountains for a Fireblast. Anything to get that last spell in.
Posted By: Secksee (1/3/2013 10:55:34 AM)


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